The End Of Movies
When people look back from a time far away from now they'll look to this movie and they'll say this was it. This was when some of us took it upon ourselves to say there's nothing left to create. There's nothing new to say, no new ways to say it, no one new and different to say it for us. It's over now. This is Hollywood's white flag of surrender. They have officially given up. I'm not saying good movies won't be made, no, they will make more version of the same movies, rearranged into better versions of themselves. Now, there isn't anything new, just better. More and more better than the last. Until the last movie plays, it will be very abstract, perhaps a man will walk in front of a screen, a white screen, and the man will take off his hat, hold it for a moment, look the audience in the eye and say "The End". And that will be the subject of the last movie, and I've just shared the future with you, and I've just shown you where all this is going, what all this is, not new, just more and more betterer until "The End".
Some people may say wow, great insight, others will call me an idiot and question my sanity, easy predictions to make given the confrontational nature of my words.
And yet for the past 10 years how many sequels and franchises and reboots have we been subjected to?
Do you think these people aren't trying to make something new?
They aren't trying to be original?
Of course they are!
And yet they made this movie, "The Revenant". A mishmash of better movies. How many other movies have I seen that were reflected in this one? Is this one better than the others? Is this one more entertaining? Is this one more memorable? Yeah, probably, if I were born yesterday.
So for all of you who were born yesterday, do enjoy this, and everything else to come, it's sure to be a real treat at least the first dozen or so times around.
-El Presidente