Is Roland's Race Really that Important? (Book Spoilers Inside)
Since none of the posters I have posed this question to directly have deigned to answer me, I've decided to open the following questions to the board in general Book Spoilers do follow:
Is Roland's race important when he tells Ben Slightman he should hope for a chance to die when the Wolves attack because of his betrayal of the Calla folk? Does his race matter when he engages in the shootout with Balazar in the Tower Club? When Susannah (and Eddie) ruminate numerous times that Roland would sacrifice one or all of his Ka-tet for the Tower? When he and Jake are running from the Tick-Tock man under Lud? When he kills the entire town of Tull? When he faces down the Red King and enters the Tower? When he faces Mordred and the Dandelo? When he is tricked by Maerlyn's grapefruit into killing his own mother or when he takes his Testing at the tender age of 16? Does Roland's race matter when he rejoins his Tet in the caverns beneath the Dixie Pig in New York of 1999, or when he meets Stephen King in the Key World version of 1977? When he draws Eddie from 1987? Does Roland's race or color inform ANY of these moments?
Because, these moments seem a bit more important to the story than Detta calling him a "honkey mah-fah..."
I don't know if you're aware of this but I've already changed things. I killed Ben Linus.