The hell they didn't. I spent at least as much time defending Bardem on these boards as I do Elba.
I'm pretty sure he's talking specifically in terms of race and/or skin color. I was on the boards back when Javier Bardem was up for Roland, and I did see numerous complaints about him in the role, mainly concerning him not looking like Clint Eastwood (obviously), his body type, his height, and his accent. However, I don't recall coming across anyone complaining about his skin color or him being "the wrong race," or the current go-to explanation, his consideration for the role being the result of a "PC agenda" or "SJWs" - all of which I've seen as complaints when it comes to Elba.
Now to be fair, I do realize that just because I didn't see it doesn't mean it didn't happen, but I personally don't remember coming across anywhere near this kind of pushback when Bardem was up for the role.