So now Rowland is black?
So will Odetta be a white girl?
Maybe these same people can make a movie about Muhammad Ali, and cast Pee Wee Herman as Muhammad Ali....
So will Odetta be a white girl?
Maybe these same people can make a movie about Muhammad Ali, and cast Pee Wee Herman as Muhammad Ali....
I don't really see why this matters that much.. theres plenty of other changes that weve heard about that sound more important than skin color of Roland.. Also theres been lots of cases of a character in a script not being written as a particular skin color and they cast who ever seems right.. and sometimes its black actors. I know this is based on a book obviously but I can't think of much movies that stick strictly to the book.. many books don't translate to film so they change all kinda stuff.
shareNigel, yours is an argument many of us have tried to post many times, but unfortunately the most important aspect many fans have taken away from Roland's character is that he's white (or a Clint Eastwood clone though my Roland doesn't look so much like Eastwood). I agree with you that sometimes black actors are the best fit, but... I don't know. I guess they'll have their books and hopefully we'll have both books and a movie series to enjoy.
shareIt is stated in the first novel that Roland is white and that black folken are EXTREMELY rare (I think he had heard of a black person in Delain <the kingdom in Eyes of the Dragon>).
What I had HOPED to see was a movie that I could take my kids/friends to to get them interested in reading this series (as I am sure a lot of other people would have had like to see). What I have been reading about this movie so far makes me just not even want to bother with it.
"Oh we're going to go see this movie about this series."
Kid/friend sees movie and decides to start reading the novels.
"Why is this nothing like the movie? Why is Roland not black? etc, etc..."
At least the Harry Potter movies stuck to the basic story lines of the novels and the changes were extremely subtle. And Lord of the Rings also.
That is what this whole argument is about. The change to Roland's race does bother me. Not for racist reasons. It is stated NUMEROUS times in the books that he's white.
Why am I going to have to explain the end of the novels for them to understand the race change?
This isn't an "OMG WHY DOES HOLLYWOOD NEED TO BE PC" etc argument for me. Watching a movie and enjoying it makes people want to read the book/series. Having to have your friends explain one standout detail and spoil the series ending? And having to explain "Oh well the movie is just the sequel to the books?"
That is the argument.
Why am I going to have to explain the end of the novels for them to understand the race change?