MovieChat Forums > The Dark Tower (2017) Discussion > The forum for us fans is up!

The forum for us fans is up!

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It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing .


Give me what I want and I'll go this other forum(to paraphrase another SK adaptation). lol

**edit**Received and account made. See everyone there. :D

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.


Hit me up fam.


Count me in Captain, cheers :-)


I salute you Captain! Hit me!

Books are a uniquely portable magic. ~Stephen King


Otherwise known as the forum for the mindless shills and SJW's who've never read the book in their lives and are refusing to listen to anyone who is an actual fan of the books. That literally sounds like the most pathetic thing ever, well done Wesker on that new low. And always remember when this fails, I told you so.


I originally wanted to reply to you Spider with a message detailing what a pessimistic presence you've brought to this board. But what would be the point, I feel it was your intention to do so.

You are just a person at the other end of a computer with a differing opinion than me. That's all you are. It would be shallow of me to insult you and I'd like to now state my intentions of a civil discussion so if you take offense to any of the following statements, I apologise.

I hope that this film succeeds, which is why I'm on this board and talking about it. I've never fully understood why you have been on these boards if you're not interested in seeing this film, so would you mind answering that question for me? Why are you here? I can understand somebody who is a bit concerned or even disappointed with the cast and crew, that's people's opinions and everybody should be welcome to one. I can even understand the occasional troll who comes on and thinks it's funny to say something cruel and then disappear.

The film could be absolutely crap, it could, but I'd like to see it before I judge it and I'd like to think it won't be. That's not being mindless, it's called having an open mind.

We have different opinions, that's all it is and that's all they are. Opinions; yours, mine and everyone. The vast majority want to see a good film on a series of books they enjoy and discuss it. It could be a bad film, it could be a good film. It could just be OK, but who's to know?

But for someone to impose their beliefs and claim that it is the only way to think and everybody else is wrong is the act of an extremist.

If you turned around and offered an opinion or concern with the film that was polite in its intent then I am sure there would be a line of people waiting to discuss it with you civilly and with respect. I, for one, would.

As a treat for everyone on this board before it closes, could we get a civil discussion from you on what your concerns are for this film and why? What elements would you change if you were in charge of it? What were your favourite parts of the books that, if you had your way and was being made differently, you would like to see?

I would be more than happy to put my opinion forward and discuss it, even if we don't come to an agreement.

I'll happily reply to you if you offer me a chance to speak without insulting me or my opinion. Happily, in fact, if you are honest and civil.

I won't reply if you are rude to me. I won't waste my time with such behavioour and in a few weeks, you'll never bother me again. I really hope we can have a final discussion Spider. I look forward to your response and hope we can end on respectable terms.


Somebody had to inform the people that had only just heard of the film adaption that they shouldn't waste their time, leave it to the fake fans and SJW's on here and they'd be fooled into thinking this is actually an adaption of the books. And not the PC watered down, YA cr*p that it truly is.

I'm not wasting my time making the same points again, just for the same blithering idiots to ignore as they pretend they'd heard of the books at all before Elba was cast and they had a new crusade to get behind.


Thanks for taking the time for an honest answer Spider.

I might not agree with you but you answered my question, so to show you the same respect I'll come up with a response when I have the time tomorrow.


Sorry about the late reply - busy few days.

I appreciate the fact that you feel that people need to know that this isn't a 100% faithful adaptation, because it's not.

In fact this one is even taking material from several, if not all, of the books. So I'll be honest, if people are looking for a 100% faithful adaptation, they should be warned because it won't be.

It's nice to see how passionate you are about the books but it should also be noted that some fans are just happy to see something Dark Tower related on screen. There is going to be adapted material from the books and I think for a lot of people who I've spoken to, they're excited. For me personally, I'm excited because I like the cast and production company and I'm being optimistic.

So whilst you're doing the job of warning people that it's not a word-for-word adaptation, it is still an adaptation of a series of books that people might be interested in seeing. I think there'd be a lot less hostility towards you if you just told the truth without so much anger and hatred. I can see why you're not happy, but it can come across as rude. It's not a Gunslinger adaptation, but it's something at least. I don't think people need to argue that intensely about it.

Can I also ask what you mean by fake fans? I would definitely not consider myself a fake fan, nor would I an SJW - sure I want fully equal rights but I don't go out of my way to tip the balance too far the other way. Equal rights to me means that everybody is treated equally - none of this down with the straight white man privelage, because that's then not treating everybody equally.

I'm definitely a fan of the series - I've read it plenty of times, as well as the graphic novels, and I've been coming to these boards for a long time to check up on any adaptation, mostly as a lurker but I've been here. In fact it was you I believe, dear Spider, who made me want to say something in the defense of Elba in the first place, so thank you for introducing me :-)

But by no means have I gone to such extremes as to call people who disagree with my point of view a fake fan, or a racist - in retaliation to your SJW claims - if they happen to disagree with me (although to be fair there have been quite a few racist remarks on this board, not too many, but a few and although you've never liked Elba, you've never said anything racist).

In reference to your PC remarks, I disagree. I can see why you would think that (I'm assuming hiring a black person in the role of someone who is white) but it is my opinion that you're wrong. I believe Elba got the role because he's a genuinely good actor. I've been a fan of his since The Wire and he's shown a wide range of acting skills, so when he was cast I was confused because he doesn't look like Roland, I thought about it, accepted it, then realised it could work really well with his acting ability and with the story (there's some post history with interactions with Detta that can be addressed if you'd like). But that's my opinion, as you have yours. I'm sure you've read why those who are on board with his casting's opinion so I won't bore you with the details - although hit me up if you want a conversation on this.

What may I ask is your reasoning for saying this is aimed at a youth market? I'm assuming, correct me if I'm wrong, that you mean the Twilight, Hunger Games audience. I have to say I'm missing something here, I've heard people say it's because Jake is more prominent in the unfinished leaked trailer but bare in mind it looks as if they're taking his journey in to mid-world from the influence of the WasteLands, so to say that it's for those reasons does seem a bit peculiar, plus it's bad for business. It'd be interesting to hear your response.

Can I also (and lastly) ask of anyone you know on this board that has taken Elba's casting as a crusade for social justice and hasn't read the books? I'm yet to find anyone so far that has taken it as a crusade, let alone someone who hasn't read the books promoting it for SJW purposes. If there's certain people on other boards/sites you've seen, I'd be interested to know because I'd be on your side. If people are supporting a cause they don't fully understand, they can be just as dangerous as those who are extremist in their views.

If any of this has offended you Spider, it wasn't my intention, it's just a sharing of my opinions and points of view. I look forward to hearing your response.


We are one from many, say thank-ee.

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