Cliche, but GREAT!

Come on people. You know exactly what you are going to get when you see all the previews. There are no surprises here. And you know what...

WHO CARES - its a great, entertaining, feel good movie. If you are in the mood for that - go. If you are not - don't. Simple.

It took a while for me to see this. Once I was in the mood for this kind of flick, I went and was very surprised. I was touched by this film. More to the point, i LET myself be touched by it.

IMDB used to be great before it became of a cyber playground for 'he said - she said" basement dwellers.

Oh well...



I just watched it on Blu-Ray and I absolutely agree! I am a boxing enthusiast and not the biggest MMA fan, but I really did like the movie. It was exactly what it was supposed to be!


While I thought he would lose, but be an inspiration, I was actually physically cheering him on by the third round.

I didn't expect much, and was pleasantly surprised at how much I truly enjoyed this film. Now I wish I hadn't been so "meh" about Zookeeper that I waited this long to see this wonderful movie.

Getting You Satisfied
(One way or another)


I really enjoyed this movie too! Of course we know what to expect--but the actors played their roles very well & it was never boring :)


Totally cliche but it made me smile. Didn't think I'd like it either but I really enjoyed it.


I just saw this yesterday on tv and I thought it was horrible! I didn't find it funny or entertaining at all. I came as a shock to me when i saw that the rating on IMDb was 6.5. I would have expected something like 4.5 and I have a hard time understanding how anyone could like this movie.


Think it was pretty funny when he was searching his corner in the last fight.


Well said.

I don't mind if a movie decides to re-do a tried and true plot. But if they're going to do it, they need a hook, and they need to knock it out of the park.

Here Comes the Boom did exactly that.


I agree

I am fire... I am... death!


u r 101 percent correct


Agreed, schmaltzy but some of the best schmaltz I've seen in a awhile.


Just curious---I remember the spot for this film on IMDB, but I'm just wondering how come it didn't really get promoted as much as Kevin James's films usually are? It sounded like an interesting flick, bu I don't even remember it playing anywhere near my neck of the woods, and I didn't see a trailer on TV for it either. Didn't know it was a comedy. I like the title,though.
