Didn't I see this movie already...
Didn't I see this movie already, I think they called it, Nacho Libre. A little originality would be appreciated from Hollywood once in a while.
shareDidn't I see this movie already, I think they called it, Nacho Libre. A little originality would be appreciated from Hollywood once in a while.
sharedo us all a favour and delete your imdb account you ignorrant piece of elephant turd.
sharei think the movie "Knucklehead" was also on the same lines.....
shareThat wasn't too much like Nacho Libre, I liked it a lot more. It was like Rocky I suppose, but try to remember there are only, what, 36 Plots in ALL of literature? And that's the highest estimate! In other words "It's all been done." http://www.ipl.org/div/farq/plotFARQ.html#36
the movie is based on an episode of Seinfeld... RIPOFF
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Im surprised by the righteous indignation of everyone on here concerning the originality of a movie premise --- Todays culture is notorious for its parasitic use of others ideas and work --- be it music, print, fashion, or the movies, which have always been about packaging the same stuff with a different ribbon on it. Back in the Hollywood golden age, one of the producers had a stack of scripts on his desk of previously successful movies --- as a writer, you came in and he took the top one, handed it to you and it was your job to change the names and the venue, but keep the same story. Although nowadays, its all about sequels....I mean really, do we need another Fast and Furious movie? is there some deep message that wasn't touched upon in Fast and Furious 1 through 5???? And I cant wait for the Hangover Part 17, when the Wolf Packs grandsons get together for a bachelor party, and mayhem and hilarity ensues....
shareYeah, this film is Rocky meets Nacho Libre
shareReminds me of WARRIOR.
It actually kind of reminded me more of Joe Somebody than Nacho Libre. The humor was kind of similar and so was the plot.