Idiot Daughter

She has to be the most naive kid ever. I had to stop watching half way on Netflix because she was annoying me so much, she just kept screaming, didn't even question her dad's line of work when his office is cleared without warning and he is 'erased.' Whats up with this theme in movies as well with people being afraid of someone who's killed in self defense as well. Most kids put in a life or death situation ain't going to just stand by and scream whilst her dad gets his ass beat, at least I wouldn't. In the car scene, the one where the cars totaled early on in the movie, she is sitting behind the attacker trying to kill them watching her father fight for the gun, why doesn't she just whale on the back of his head? Hate the way Hollywood portrays kids, there are exception of course, War Of The Worlds is another one that pissed me off.

I, too, attempted the unimaginable, and I succeeded. - Walter Bishop.


You missed the many later times where she essentially put both their lives in danger by freaking out and/or disobeying simple but important orders and kept getting them found by enemies and forcing him to fight their way out. She was supposed to redeem herself later by finding innovative solutions that an expert CIA agent would never think of, like pressing car keyfobs to make cars confuse an agent, or *gasp* calling a real estate agent and doing basic social engineering. Yep, these are things a spy wouldn't consider.

This particular type of parent-kid action bonding film needs to appeal to kids by justifying their spastic rebellions at inappropriate moments and parents by making them feel like with orders and withholding info/lying they are protecting their kids. Both come out of the theater feeling like the learned something. Utterly ridiculous.

It was silly in a few other ways... depended often on him getting away from the truly lethal attacks but then, when caught... ahh, mr bond!!!! style not just shooting him in the back of the head when he's standing there. Got worse and worse.

What a lovely way to burn...


How about near the beginning when they are in the car together, and she asks him if he has any food. Was she expecting him to say: Yes...I just happen to have a pizza in the back seat [and if so, she would've complained that it wasn't vegetarian and glutton free].


She has to be the most naive kid ever. I had to stop watching half way on Netflix because she was annoying me so much, she just kept screaming, didn't even question her dad's line of work when his office is cleared without warning and he is 'erased.'

Luckily I could fast forward through the parts when the daughter was on screen. One of the noisiest, ungrateful brats in the movies. I knocked a few points off my user rating just for her annoyingness.

No two persons ever watch the same movie.
