Terrible! (Spoilers)

I was going to write a review for this title, but decided I didn't want to waste in excess of the 100mins I already have on this derivative, convoluted mess of a film.

I have no idea how this script was even greenlit, as it contains zero character development, gigantic plot-holes and absolutely no tension whatsoever.

For those who have already seen or do not care about spoilers, here are just a few of my problems with Intruders;

The "twist", as much as it was, could be spotted about 15 minutes into the movie. We see a young boy and his mother in Spain and are given no connection with the British story, so an assumption must be made. The only assumption to make is that the boy grows up to be Clive Owen's character (another telling sign was the 1970's wardrobe in the Spanish story).

Why was literally nothing explained in the movie? We are never sure whether what we are seeing is a dream, a memory or an actual event. Is Owen's wife the actual mother of his daughter? If so, why does she display absolutely no concern or connection with the girl?

Why did Owen see his workmate with no face? Did his workmate die in the accident? We are never told.

Why did the boy write the Hollowface story in English? Why did he hid it in the tree? How did the girl find it? In fact, why does the girl see Hollowface at all if it was simply a figment of Owen's imagination?

Why was the priest even involved in the story? The mother clearly knew the truth, so what did she hope the priest's intervention would achieve?

Why is Hollowface so terrible at his job? He appears in both children's room several times and accomplishes nothing? Or is it because Hollowface is not literal, only a figurative extension of the father's repressed memories? we are lead to establish this ourselves.

Why did every single scene that raised some tension suddenly cut to another scene? Why did Owen's character not recognise Hollowface from his youth? Why did he not explain this to his daughter? Why did nobody communicate with each other?

Why? Why? Why?

There are many more problems with Intruders I cannot think of off the op of my head. Except one more, actually - why Intruders, with a plural? I only ever saw one on screen.

Atrocious screenplay, plodding direction, dull cinematography and sleep-inducing performance, except for Ella Purnell. She was the only outstanding thing in this movie, and I'm sure will go onto greater projects. And halfway during the movie, they mute her character, rendering the movie utterly pointless.

"There is an ampoule. Take it?"


Yeah, I was going to list all the ways this fails miserably but you've done it for us.

Scientologists love Narnia, there's plenty of closet space.
