MovieChat Forums > Independence Day: Resurgence (2016) Discussion > The worst movie ever since Battleship?

The worst movie ever since Battleship?

what is the worst movie of all time for you? Then, I always answer, it's Battleship for sure.
But now, Independence Day: resurgence comes quiet close to Battleship. These two movies can be like dumb and dumber but I'll pick Battleship as dumber. I'm not comparing to the actual movie Dmub and Dumber of course. Dumb and dumber series are miles better than those two.


I actually enjoyed Battleship. This movie, however, was pretty bad!


Movies like Battleship and ID: Resurgence are fun to watch if you turn off your brain. Not masterpieces by any stretch. But if you're in the mood for lots of action, and big things getting blown up, with essentially zero character development, then sit back and enjoy!

Nothing could be worse than Jupiter Ascending. Even with my brain in low power mode I found that one stupid and barely watchable (although the effects were incredibly cool).


Battleship was just moronic. Jupiter Ascending was simply misleading, really a kids' film.

IDR was disappointing, especially towards the end when it got all Transformers-like and tiring to see through. Not that the first film was amazing, the first film was simply a refreshing take on the alien invasion flick at the time and so did very well. Now it's old-hat and I always thought it would be hard to match.


No, Jupiter Ascending has too convoluted a plot for a kids' movie. They were trying to make a film for adults. It just turned out really awful.

If I remember correctly, the original storyline for ID: Resurgence (which Roland Emmerich was talking about soon after the original was in theaters) had a subplot involving some of the aliens who agreed to help humans master their technology in exchange for being allowed to live. By the second movie there was a new generation of alien offspring that had no loyalty to their own people and considered Earth their home. Why he dropped it completely I have no idea. That would've been interesting. And I don't think the queen was originally supposed to be gozilla-sized either. That was going a bit too far with the campiness. Yes, we've all seen Transformers. Regrettably. Didn't need a rehash.

Speaking of which, if you're going to nominate any movie for the title of worst ever made, I submit Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen. The original wasn't quite bad enough to discourage me from trying to watch that one. Big mistake. Partway in, I changed the channel and haven't watched any more of that overpriced CGI dreck since. At least Ed Wood had the decency to make his dreck on a shoestring budget.


i liked battleship.
