No, Jupiter Ascending has too convoluted a plot for a kids' movie. They were trying to make a film for adults. It just turned out really awful.
If I remember correctly, the original storyline for ID: Resurgence (which Roland Emmerich was talking about soon after the original was in theaters) had a subplot involving some of the aliens who agreed to help humans master their technology in exchange for being allowed to live. By the second movie there was a new generation of alien offspring that had no loyalty to their own people and considered Earth their home. Why he dropped it completely I have no idea. That would've been interesting. And I don't think the queen was originally supposed to be gozilla-sized either. That was going a bit too far with the campiness. Yes, we've all seen Transformers. Regrettably. Didn't need a rehash.
Speaking of which, if you're going to nominate any movie for the title of worst ever made, I submit Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen. The original wasn't quite bad enough to discourage me from trying to watch that one. Big mistake. Partway in, I changed the channel and haven't watched any more of that overpriced CGI dreck since. At least Ed Wood had the decency to make his dreck on a shoestring budget.