The gymnist

Was her death the most ridiculous death in the entire series? She fell about 6 feet onto a padded mat and yet her spine shattered like glass and somehow had the force to erupt from the body.

In real life she would (at worst) fracture her neck or spine. Most likely should would just get a head knock and a headache.

Suspension of disbelief is all well and good, but it at least has to be somewhat reasonable. Otherwise in the next movie we will have someone cracking their skull open falling out of bed



the nail is no less weird or outta place then the water from the toilet sucking itself back and leaving a dry floor in the original.

we've seen a number of examples throughout the series of death moving or placing things conveniantly to set up or help the death.


And my other points?

The retards, one who left the tub of powder next to a big fan, the other who didn't check the cable for exposed wires. *Add to that that no one checked the ceiling fan.

Also Candice didn't have a brain cell. Not being harsh, but she kept spinning even though she had close to or even zero visibility. What was she trying to do? Get a perfert landing when she can't see? The way she landed... Yeah, ok.


She did one more spin. Doing that, your momentum carries you. You can't just stop suddenly on the bars. She got hit with the powder, did one more spin as it hit her and basically fell off. The rest (like the screw, the water hitting the exposed wire etc) is a bit unbelievable, but that is the one part of it that was fairly accurate.


As believable as a 25-lb. Buddha statue crushing a skull like a watermelon.

The war is not meant to be won... it is meant to be continuous.


People have died in more ludicrous fashion in real life,and survived some of the 1 in a million things,so this one isnt that bad.The buddha one was more ridiculous,and also more funny.


My only problem with the gymnast's death was the fact that she didn't have a spotter. I did gymnastics for a long time and every stunt you do is incredibly dangerous. To let someone do the uneven bars without a spotter is stupid, her family could sue and they would probably win too. The ridiculousness of it with the water and the nail and the powder, whatever, because it's not like stuff like that hasn't happened in other Final Destination movies. Just putting that out there.


Her family could sue???? How about ANY of the families of ANY of the victims? The girl whose eyes got lasered out? The plane blowing up? The hook? The massage parlor...


I have done gymnastics for 13 years. You must not have done competition gymnastics because if you did you don't need a spot for everything, if you do you're not that good and should not be doing gymnastics. you should only need a spot if the skill is new


"My only problem with the gymnast's death was the fact that she didn't have a spotter. I did gymnastics for a long time and every stunt you do is incredibly dangerous"

This ain't a perfect world. And this was a movie. So stop fussing over trivial issues.

Btw, people have died in much more unbelievable fashion in real life. So it's not like the things that are shown in the movie wouldn't actually happen. Of course, the chances are very very slim though.

Also, if the trivia section is to be believed, someone has actually died after falling off the table during a massage similar to what happened to the guy in the movie.


Yes, you have made a good point - many of the deaths in this series are little short of the sbsurd but I suppose have to be accepted as part of the movie.


Especially since the whole movie is absurd. However I still love them anyway.

Cici: "Oh, I'm sorry my bad, I thought you were someone else".
Ghost Face: "That's OK, I am"


It wasn't one of the padded mats she landed on. I'm not saying her death was 100% realistic because this is Final Destination, and Death is controlling the deaths, but if you look the mat she lands on is lower than the others so I don't think it was a mat, but something else.

Also to the person who said she should have stopped swinging, I think she had too much momentum, she was already in mid-swing, and confused so it was just a reflex to to keep swinging.

My favorite Final Destination is the 4th – DEAL with it!


There was so much going on. What I thought was amazing was the fact that one of the gymnasts was just tip toeing and doing all kinds of flashy foot tricks around that nail. I was on the edge of my seat.

It seemed plausible to me because the powder probably made her flip into the air more powerfully than she normally would have. I think the gruesome landing was added for shock value. It definitely worked.


what i find funny is they released a picture of her death where she was dead on the floor before the film came out

but there was no blood and no bones sticking out of her

peronally i would of prefered them to keep it like that, maybe break her neck along with her back

totally not realistic was she dies haha


I would just like to add, for people who are saying that the momentum she had from her routine may have placed extra force on her body and cause it to snap, pay attention to how she is rotating as she falls. She is rotating backward when she is falling toward the mat, meaning that her lower body should have continued traveling backward as she hit the ground, causing her legs to fall behind her. It seems, though, that once her upper body touches the mat, her lower body stops rotating entirely, which is impossible, and falls straight down to snap her in half. Unless either she fell from a much greater height or her legs were immensely heavier compared to her upper body, then the force would be enough to fold her but it's not. To argue that momentum helped kill her, she would have to be rotating forward instead of backward. Then, it would have caused her legs to fold over her body but, then again, not in such an extreme way. The absolute worst thing I could imagine happening to a person in this scene is fracturing the neck and possibly, but not as likely, the back as well.

I've got a jar of dirt! I've got a jar of dirt! And guess what's inside it!


All of the deaths in the entire series are ludicrous. Each one requires a perfect combination of mechanical failure, human error, timing, and precision to even be plausible, let alone possible.

Every death involving human error requires an incredible amount of stupidity and lack of common sense. The tub death would have easily been solved if he had just reached behind himself and undid the cord that was simply twisted around, rather than tied in a knotted noose. If your computer is smoking, you do not lean in closely to investigate. The board that locked the two girls into the tanning booths could easily have been knocked aside.

Every mechanical error either relies on the amazing domino effect of water-meets-circuitry, or functions that do not happen. Rubbing Alcohol does not flash-combust and remain burning for long enough to barbeque a human alive. Elevator door mechanisms do not have the strength to lock onto a person's head like a vice. No matter powerful the explosion, barbed wire is nowhere near thin and sharp enough to cut through a human being like cheese.

But really, all of that is the point when you get down to it. The film makes no secret that these things are unnatural. The medical examiner at Candice's death scene even mentions how utterly impossible the situation was. Death bends rules. As long as we accept that some semi-corporial entity exists to stalk and kill people in elaborate ways, we really have no place questioning the validity of it's methods. It's like questioning how a man goes from human to wolf-monster, or why vampires are alergic to silver/garlic. There are just things you have to swallow.



There are thousands of airplane accidents,and in most of those people die,so that means you cant survive one,right?Well:



Fascinating!Why address the argument,when you can just call the one who made it stupid.That immediately invalidates the argument,right?And saying that like you are looking down on the argument makes you oh so smart.



Many people miss how the powder, which is meant to prevent sliding in the first place, contributed to her body cracking as she wasn't able to slide as much on the mat.

Mah ass >:(


Watching this crap movie right now and her body looked like it fell from a 20 story building. Lame, lame and yes, lame.


I was just watching the movie and thought the EXACT same thing as you Macka! Literally, I thought "out of all the the FD movies that was the stupidest death they've ever had!".

I agree that the worst case scenario would have been a fractured neck, bruised ribs, etc. This was just ridiculous...Gymnasts don't get cut themselves in half from improper dismounts.
