MovieChat Forums > New Year's Eve (2011) Discussion > Am I the only one who liked the movie?

Am I the only one who liked the movie?

After coming home from the movie tonight, I was sort of surprised and disappointed to see everyone on here dissing the movie for one reason or another. Going to see it, you had to know it would be in a lot of ways similar to Valentine's Day, but as someone who liked the other film as well, I thought this one was a lot better.

First off, the Efron/Pfeiffer thing was sweet not creepy. If you can't understand why he did what he did well then that is some soul searching for you. Second, having the different ages and celebrities meshed up with the others made the movie less predictable for a change. *Spoiler* Who thought Josh was going to end up with Hilary? My point exactly.

For me going to a movie is a way to escape from some of the harsh reality and suckiness of my day. I went to see this with my sister who I am leaving tomorrow to go back to college 700 miles away. We laughed, cried and looked at each other which is what anyone hopes to experience during a movie.

That is my story and I am sticking to it.

"It's supposed to be hard. If it wasn't hard, everyone would do it. The hard... is what makes it great."


No I really enjoyed this movie too. It put a smile on my face. Zac and Michelle's friendship was awesome and actually very believable. I thought it was cute.




I completely agree with what you both have said.

I really liked this movie and loved how at times it wasn't as predictable as it could've been.

Personally, I think people tend to take movies too seriously these days. As you said, they are an escape, they don't have to be spot on factually or have to follow what would happen in real life...they are MOVIES and I think people have gotten a little too high and mighty (for want of a better word or phrase) and expect too much from movies in general. Unless something is based on a true story, movies are fiction/fantasy so can do and say what ever they want but even then there is room for a bit of fantasy depending on the type of story.

Anyway, back on track and yes I thought the Zac/Michelle storyline really was cute and I wish more people were like him.

I thought that Hilary's character was going to be with Josh's character at one point but then I did figure out who he was going to. Quite surprised but again..good twist.

OVerall I thought this was a great movie and you know what, despite what I've just said, everything that happened in this movie could well happen in real life (not saying it has/will etc haha). Just that in this day and age, nothing that happened in that movie relationships-wise is unheard of in these times...I think that's what part of it's appeal was to me.

I walked out quite happy with what I had just seen and was completely into Zac, Josh and Ludacris the whole time heheeh!


I loved it too, and I also loved the Michelle/Zac storyline the best.


My mom and I saw this tonight and we loved it!


I loved it, a very sweet and uplifting movie!

It's Like He Knew That I Am Fragile
He Handled Me Like Glass

- Glass by Gavin DeGraw


Agreed! It was harmless fun and I truly enjoyed it. New Year's Eve complimented the holiday very well and made us all feel just a little better about ourselves and more hopeful towards the year ahead. Seriously, not everything has to be a cinematic masterpiece. Sometimes those actually turn out to be extremely dull.


No, you're not the only one :) This movie wasn't made to be an Oscar contender . . . it was just supposed to be something where you could kick back, relax, and enjoy. It's not the greatest movie ever made, but certainly enjoyable.

"When the chips are down these, uh, these civilized people . . . they'll eat each other."


IMO it wasn't very good, in fact the only two story-lines that I liked were Pfeiffer/ Efron and SJP.

Estas ahí?


i didn't expect to love it, and truthfully i didn't love it, but i did enjoy it. i do get a bit sick of movies which are love story after love story (such as valentine's day, although what do you expect), so having the other side stories such as the Zac/Michelle storyline, Hilary/Robert, the pregnancy competitions i thought just made it an enjoyable watch. sometimes that's all we need, an enjoyable watch where we don't have to analyse everything or we don't need really clever twists etc.

and i agree, i did enjoy it more than i enjoyed valentine's day.


I saw this movie exactly one week ago on my sister's birthday, the third, and I loved it. I couldn't figure out how they managed to bring everyone together so that it was like a long string - it seemed like all of the plots melded together so that it was all resolved in a nice way. When I saw the less than favorable reviews online, I for one was appalled.

Sometimes I believe in six impossible things before breakfast.
You are my way Jesus. †


I like the movie!
I watched this movie after the New Year's Eve, however, I felt good. I think I'm lucky to meet this movie in New Year.
