MovieChat Forums > The Big Short (2015) Discussion > Very disappointed in this movie.

Very disappointed in this movie.

I was expecting an exciting semi-documentary but got explanations of the market from a model in a bubble bath and Selena Gomez at a 21 table. We're not all idiots out here.

And I think the gratuitous use of the F-word cost it the Best Picture Award.

Anyway, the subject deserved so much better. I gave it a 5.


I was disappointed by everything in this movie, but especially the overwrought acting style. Apparently the people who expected the housing market to collapse were all escapees from mental institutions. They behave like over-emotional children who have no idea how people are expected to act in public. I know it's only a movie, but this acting style is so annoying to me that I couldn't watch more than 20 minutes of the this movie. Anyway, I know from history how it turned out.

Maybe in the part of the movie I didn't watch they explain why these people thought that the institutions that sold them the credit default swaps (and which were heavily invested in mortgage backed securities) would have the billions of dollars to pay them when the bubble burst.


Some people say they found the film over-complicated (although I'm not sure how serious they are - it seemed clear to me); some people said it was uninteresting. The use of cameos was a humourous attempt to improve the film for both these sets of viewers (which obviously did not work for all). After the film I was motivated to read the book (normally I would try the book first) - both are really great IMO. Even for those who did not like the film, it shows how utterly corrupt Wall Street is.


Don't forget the liberal spin ("Evil Wall Street" taking advantage of the poor, defenseless, little people).

I just finished the part where some mortgage brokers are bragging about ripping off immigrants that didn't even bother to read the contract... Apparently, not reading a contract absolves you from culpability if you're an immigrant.


I need to take a degree in finance,accounting and banking to understand this movie I guess. Gomez & Robbie are really helpful, thanks.



For me it took a very dry subject and added some humor and wit to it.

They made fun of the "sex sells" but having the person actually give useful and insightful information. In a way it reminded me of Game of Thrones "Sexposition", except with something useful in the real world; and without as much T&A.


You should have been disappointed in the romanticization of the Shorters in this movie (Carell, Bale, and Pitt) who all made hundreds of millions and tried to make you feel bad for them that they did it despite knowing that it was legal grift of bad deeds based on toxic CDOs. Technically, these guys are not criminals, but that doesn't really matter. They particularly made Mark Baum (Carell) this obnoxious boy crying wolf but with a big heart, all the while though he still hedged his bet against the CDO managers and got paid handsomely. His little phone convo soliloquy to has partners that they would never be the same again after the crash was laughable too. The real Mark Baum still makes money and even is a celebrity himself.
