Hoax or not - weigh in!

Just post whether you think it's a hoax (MBW was performing and making deliberately bad art) or not (MBW's art just happened to be that bad since he has bad taste), and your age if you feel like submitting it.

Let's not argue, just say where you stand. See RobertDeNiro's post for a "how not to post" example.

I say hoax - I'm 31

HAIL TO THE CHIMP! http://i35.tinypic.com/1zoxa4m.gif


Yes it's a hoax.
but on who?

This is a question of INTENT.

Mr Brainwash produced bad art and sold it to unsophisticated patrons.
With no ill intent.

Banksy pushed someone he knew generated crap art (the original edit of Thiery's footage) to mass produce crap.
Then, oh so conveniently, was on hand to film the sale/purchase so that we could all appreciate the craptitude of the entire transaction.

Because really, if you don't have a self righteous artiste' on hand to label the falling tree, it doesn't make a sound.


"Banksy pushed someone he knew generated crap art (the original edit of Thiery's footage) to mass produce crap."

There's no evidence of this. According to the movie, Banksy suggested that Thierry go make some art. He didn't tell him to produce crap or put on a great big show. Thierry did that all on his own.

No hoax.


But it's right there.
Banksy is on record stating Thierry Guetta's movie was horrible.
If Banksy wanted Guetta to produce good art, he would have first encouraged Guetta to hone his craft before encouraging him to make anything.

Put yourself in Banksy's shoes.
You want art in the world?
Do you go to skilled professionals? young raw talent? Or do you go to illegal Chinese knockoff manufacturers?


How does Thierry's status as a filmmaker impact his status as a street artist? They're completely different disciplines, requiring different skills. One has no relationship to the other. And you're ignoring that Thierry already had some cred as a street artist with his "man with a camera" stickers and paste-ups.

The hoax would have been if Banksy saw Thierry's rotten movie and told him to go make another movie. But that's not what happened.


Good point, but I still say take a step further back.

How about this parrallel.
Lady Di bank notes, Banksy recognized they were a failed project and shelved it.
I admire the guy for trying, I admire him more for executing, recognizing failure and shelving it.

Banksy thinks Guetta will tank, revs up the cameras to catch it on tape knowing it would be great art if he sells junk to poseurs.
It'll either end up in Hollywood or the trashcan.


By that point, I think that Banksy had recognized that Thierry was more interesting than a street art documentary and wanted to follow him around and see what happened. This doesn't require any manipulation or hoaxing on Banksy's part. If Thierry had produced great art, it would have still been an eye-opener for Banksy... here's a guy with no training or discipline, but still managed to express something good? It would still be interesting (just not as funny).


Clever username said:

How about this parrallel.
Lady Di bank notes, Banksy recognized they were a failed project and shelved it.
I admire the guy for trying, I admire him more for executing, recognizing failure and shelving it.

Banksy thinks Guetta will tank, revs up the cameras to catch it on tape knowing it would be great art if he sells junk to poseurs.
It'll either end up in Hollywood or the trashcan.

end quoe

Brilliant post my man. Thats just it. It didnt take a lot for Banksy to try out his idea of Thierry blowing up. Banksy had a ton of money from his gallery selling that he probably didnt care about. If this ploy worked he has his ultimate ether of the art industry, that this moron could be king. If it doesnt, who cares, it was worth the effort

I think you and I are on the right track here. Its neither a hoax or a non prank by Banksy. Everything about the Banksy character points towards being someone whod make this message about the art world being phony. It just fits too well. Its his greatest troll ever. But its not a hoax. Thierry really is a hack and an idiot. Its just Banksy was smart enough to realize he could get it on camera and put a crown on a jester.


I don't think it was a hoax. I say so because I have had the fortune, or misfortune, depending on one's perspective, to know a few people like MBW, with many of the same unique, tunnel vision, obsessive perspectives. I can see this happening with people who have more money and time than sense, an introduction to a new, small, exciting world and an ego that refuses to even consider that they are making a mistake.

