MovieChat Forums > Exit Through the Gift Shop (2010) Discussion > I CANT BELIEVE YOU GUYS DON'T GET IT


The movie is a satire. It is a critique of the contemporary art world. The over-commercializtion and exploitation of street art. why do you think its called exit through the gift shop? that should tell it all right there.

It is not a documentary.

They set everyone up with the stupid Mr. Brainwash Show in LA and convinced a bunch of sheep that the BS 'art' they made was brilliant. all those people, thousands of them were there because they bought into the hype machine and turned a joke into a success.

I am not quite sure if the art really sold for as much as he said. It could have, or maybe its an exaggeration, but it doesnt really matter.

what matters is that all those people didnt look at the crap on the walls and say 'this is not art, this sucks', they bought into the hype and loved it. Why? cuz they go with the flow, they dont develop their own opinions, but rather follow popular opinion.

The experiment proves that if you take a bunch of garbage, throw it on the wall in a huge 'gallery' and have big artists say its the real deal, people will show up and love it cuz they are idiots.

the movie just chronicles this. who knows if guetta is a real character or not. it doesnt matter. he was in on it weather thats his real name or not. The whole thing is a farce. I can't believe no one gets it. I mean by the end of the movie its almost as if they are not even trying to keep up the guise of the documentary going. it gets so out of whack that it should be obvious that its all a joke.

Guetta supposedly started filming in like 2007. he wasnt documenting the birth of street art. he was documenting the death of street art. this has been going on for years. and no i dont mean grafitti. i mean street art, stencils, print outs wheat pasted up. all of that filming happened over the last few years after all of those artists were well established. that footage wasnt home movie footage. it was shot for the purpose of the mockumentary, to make it seem like this guy was a filmmaker documenting street art (i didnt see any old school footage of old school grafitti. how can you tell the story of the birth of street art without telling the story of grafitti. just shows that wasnt the point of the movie). all of the footage was shot to etablish the creation of a fictitious character. this is what creates the whole story. this is the foundation for this supposed documentary. if guetta is the filmaker then why is the camera on him the whole time, even before banksy flipped it on him. who is the guy really behind the camera? ever think of that? the whole storyline about guetta's youth and how he filmed everything in life etc- its all made up.

you think if you show a bunch of video cassettes scattered around a room in boxes that that means its all full of actual footage, years of footage? of course it isnt. it helps to create this ridiculous character and this ridiculous fake movie that he was making (or not making as he shot and shot and didnt edit)so that Banksy could takeover the project. It was all a plan from the beginning.

sorry, maybe life remote control was weird and insane, but it was supposed to seem like that. again, to create a reason for banksy to take over. a guy who has never edited video in his life can not make that movie. it was strange but the editing was no amateur *beep* that was professionally made to look kinda crappy. why? to give a reason for banksy to take over. Why? so he could 'turn the cameras on guetta', who was supposedly a far more interesting story.

he wasnt an interesting figure that needed to be filmed. it became an interesting story after they started filming him , once he became a star. So why did they start filming him in the first place? why would banksy take so much interest in this guy? cuz he didnt give him up to the uber dangerous Disney Land security??? No it was because the clever, unpredictable ending was planned form the beginning. he was a cartoon character. the whole point from the beginning was the build up to the big art show where everyone gets duped. guetta is a symbol of all thats wrong with art. the way he acts on the day of the show, not giving a damn where any paintings go, just telling people build me this build me that. and thats's his art? this is a criticism of an art world in which many artists dont even create their own work. they conceive the piece and have assistants actually make it. yeah, artists dont even paint their own paintings these days (obviously not in all cases but this is prevalent in art culture).

i thought it was obvious, but now the moviegoing crowd is getting duped too. all of these people think its a breathtaking view of the birth of a genius street art form and the birth of a great artist which no one could have predicted. yeah, because hes not an artist. (unless he really is banksy, which i doubt. the french accent is too good. unless banksy really is a french englishman. ha. yeah right)

this is banksy's prank on the world. this is his original piece of art. everyone kept copying his style and it became all commercialized and all the money got involved, so banksy flipped the script on the whole thing. its a joke on fake artists, unoriginal copycats, bogus art critics, the hype machine, fickle 'art' fans who cant make their own opinion, and now the movie-going public that doesnt get it. i thought he made it pretty dam obvious, but not obvious enough.



Quoting you:

"I must say its a bit disconcerting to see all of these people say that this movie is about the birth of a beautiful street art culture and how they are now street art fans. i felt these people needed an alternative opinion that was not expressed much on these forums. so you can try and talk *beep* to me if you want, but really if your point was correct this board wouldnt exist. the fact remains most people dont GET IT at all. and sure maybe the capitals letter were over the top but i wanted to get people's attention and I think it helped accomplished that."

Now, if you had started your thread with this, much better.

However, even though it has been pointed out by many, me included, that it is more than obvious Thierry wasn't a real, overnight, true artist, and that Banksy simply turned a camera toward Thierry's actions, you still ranted and ignored what we said and insulted us.

Chronicling a fool does not a satire make.

Perhaps if you had subject-lined, "For those who think this film marks the birth of street art," it would have helped.



I agree, it was when I saw the scene from Life Remote Control with Banksy going "Maybe he was just a guy with a mental problem and a camera" that I started thinking this documentary seemed a little too Spinal Tap, and after that I dropped my suspention of disbelief and many scenes seemed a bit fake. It's almost like Usual Suspects type of twist that makes me want to see the film again with more critical eyes.



By Jobe, I think that you are right. And look at all these little arse holes calling you a troll!?


HAHA HA!! That trailer park guy, went to another topic and says how he blew all the arguments here out of the water! How fu kking hilarious! I is gonna be laughing for a while. He is the second most royal d i k these forums have (I have) ever seen.


Any Doubters watch this...


I certainly have got my knickers in a knot.

Why can't these people be in on it?

The VERY first thing said was 'Banksy is very available, wide open'. Was the guy being sarcastic? And if not, so why is Banksy blacked-out in the film?

You know, I rile against post modernism, so maybe it's only fair that I'm being tripped up, by maybe the best of its babies - IF I am right about it being a hoax. If it is not a hoax, I am being tripped up by the unreal ugliness of that post modern, useless ego of Guetta (useless because he is only successful as best bitch turned whore in history, and I get sick at looking at all the prostitution in this world. SURREAL *beep*
NB. I am willing to admit that I am wrong. But why would that interview be proof?
Thanks and sorry, but I don't have time, don't want to make the time to watch it. I come here to write because I am a little lonely, and I guess I love dialectic - a fight is as good as a friend (only in intellectual terms, otherwise I would be happy to be at peace . . . with everybody).

I clicked on you at IMDB. Only once b4, a few years, you commented on Nic Cage. Yes I agree, worst choice for Capone. . . and it shows, although a rarity, you have no problem with being polemical. I enjoy that. Convince me why the video would leave no doubt, please:) Please.

PS. I am not bleeding. Just begging for intellectual "equals".


and all this "birth of a movement" crud, they are f u k ing c un t s. When I was a baby, in the 80's, there was already heaps of street art, and not just graffiti . . . 100% political street art. One way or another, they are all so full of s h it e. (It IS a GREAT doco, though). And that simple graffiti "Banksy is a sell out" is so true because (cough-cough post modernity), he is making a killing out of being a rebel, and I am not a kid throwing stones - amongst other things he is helping to empower the state to help take power from rebels who might actually help affect change. That is what commodifying everything does.
Guetta as case in point, and that, whether or not the Doco is true.


Well I know I'm onto something when people can't even address my comments and have a discussion an instead need to come at me with insults and anger.

People seem to be really angry. I guess no one wants to admit to themselves that they've been duped.

This board is meant for discussion. Not sure why someone would be so mad about a little rant.

I mean if it changes anything, I'm sorry for writing the title of the thread in all caps. ha.


I'm kinda with you. I cannot remember what you wrote or what I replied - I won't go over it for many, best reasons. My first thing was not wanting to relive whatever insanity I wrote (I was here on some VERY manic occasions:), nor re read s h i t that was written by others. But now I have realised, if someone doesn't address (in a reply) what they are on about, I'm not about to waste time going over it.
BUT, my friend, 'Exit' skrewed with me big time, (only because, again, I watched it and got online to blah, blah, in a state as manic as I can remember) - and I oscillated way too much - it's real, it's not . . . I don't believe we have a definitive answer. I am mildly suspicious that Guetta is real - the biggest, empty headed, successful freak, roadie (who uses his band, leapfrogs them, unknowingly), turned super star, ever. I can see, how in 2010 . . . let me indulge in some of my own rhetoric of recent years:
"Bourgeois" - SO MUCH MORE RELEVANT THAN EVER, WITH BILLIONS OF PEOPLE REACHING FINANCIAL INDEPENDENCE, close to zero real challenges, farking STUPID, VAPID, IRRESPONSIBLE people, richer than 99% of our human ancestors were. Guetta could be real, the embodiment, a lazy mind, post self help, super hyper active ego, 100% full of himself, if you shoved a mirror in his face or a burning corpse, he wouldn't flinch, or see anything, as he is obsessed with what's cool, fame, the good (empty) life - 2010.
POST MODERNITY - and that is why I was in a twist, too. People questioning and subverting morals, values, intelligence, but NOT subverting injustice or the State or the apparatus that oppresses . . . others. ALL (like the Borg:) to have what we want and to not answer to anything or anybody, and even destroying everything that sustains us, or that is beautiful, real, nature, etc. etc. . .
Is Guetta and this Doco heralding the final, deadening blow of post modernity /art. Exactly as I predicted - instead of subverting and defeating the elitism in the art world, (Banksy seems to do that very well, earlier in his career at least), this post modern bollocks simply re-instated a new elite. Unfortunately, a hyper populist elite, even more ignorant and damaging than previous ones -without any talent, craft or sufficient training.
Hasn't anybody noticed that a very large portion of humanity seeks to bring about the apocalypse, even if unconsciously. The exploitative Guetta, ordering others to do the "art" work, is the abyss, and could very well be true, even though I (we?) have a hard time believing.
Think again. What do you think?
PS. don't worry about people's anger - it's a good thing to tap into. Here is good for us to mutually mast r b8, as much as it is to viscously attack with vitriol :)


it's plausible and i kinda hope/wish Banksy is the French guy (which would be hilarious) but i think you might be reading a bit too much into the movie...
it's so hot...milk was a poor choice
