MovieChat Forums > Episodes (2011) Discussion > Season 4, matt leblanc more like joey

Season 4, matt leblanc more like joey

Is Matt leBlanc acting more like joey this season, than the previous seasons?

Does helen bash have Rachel hair on purpose?

Are there any other friends refferences ive missed.


They started Joey-fying the character in Season 2.

Season 1's Matt was self-important, insightful, myopic, and cultured. There were more surprises and twists from him.

In Season 2 they dumped the Season 1 characterization and started making him a variation of the character from Friends. He became a lot less interesting.

Would the Matt of Season 2 to 4, ever refer to History Boys, show insight into plot development, and have a the same level of self-awareness that he had at the series start?


Wonderfully said. I didn't realize it was as early as Season 2, but you're probably right. I did notice it by the end of Season 3, and Season 4 was sometimes unwatchable. I wonder what Matt LeBlanc thought/thinks of the way the character skewed? To the point of responding to Sean with "Broach the topic? I guess so...whatever 'broach' means." :/


I definitely noticed it as well.


I'm 10 minutes into Season 4--I landed here literally because I googled: Episodes Season 4 Matt Le Blanc more like Joey

I don't think he is literally acting "like Joey" but his character is less interesting and nuanced than it wa sin the earlier seasons.

All the characters seem more like caricatures this seasons. All of them.

In the earlier seasons I could never predict the script or where the plot was going--in Season 4, I already am finishing the jokes before they're hatched.

I'm sure--even if this is the worst season, which I don't know yet--it will probably be better than almost anything on TV.

But, yes--Matt Le Blanc's character is a lot more superficial and silly. And (again), so are all of the characters.
