Unpopular Opinions

What are some unpopular "Pretty Little Liars" opinions do you have?


Cece as A >>>> Mona as A - Idky ppl hate Cece as A since she was less predictable than MonA was

Season 3 is better than Season 2
S6B is better than S6A


I actually enjoy the random side characters they bring in for a few episodes and end up getting rid of. It sucks at the time of weekly viewings but when you're rewatching them on DVD, it's kind of fun to watch minor character arcs that you forgot about.


I LOVE Alison!
I HATE Toby and Caleb. Ezra is just okay.


Something that's really unpopular in this board: Spaleb

I don't understand all the hate, yeah Haleb was great, but Spaleb served as a means to move on, their chemistry during seasons 4-6 and flashbacks to college showed character development with their friendship eventually growing into romance. They worked great as a team. Yeah, Caleb is a whiner at times, but he and Spencer had something special, Haleb WAS better, but it was time they moved on. Putting them back together only destroyed what little maturity they had left.


I had no problem with them ALL moving on. I am a Spoby fan, but having them all end up with other people is realistic and I would have been disappointed but ok with it. It was having Spencer and Caleb move on with the other's best friend's ex that just felt wrong to me. It wasn't them moving on that bothered me, it was THAT. Those two being a thing after everything they went through with Hanna and Toby respectively, and the closeness of them and the history and the fact they were all still in each other's lives, just didn't sit right with me, and with many others.


spaleb was actually pretty popular here. not universally so, it was one of the few things i saw a lot of disagreement on, but a lot of people liked it for what it was.

*when life gives you lemons*
Sara: are you a sour lemon?


Really? I need to refresh my memory because I remember seeing thread after thread about how much they hated Spaleb. I've always watched this show for the mystery and don't care much about the ships, but Spaleb was very well executed even before they dated, I loved their chemistry and how they would work their butts off to figure out who A was, it was this previous sense of friendship and teamwork that made me appreciate their romance. Too bad it was only just to create drama between them and Hanna.


i remember seeing a lot of appreciation and people dissapointed when they saw the end was in sight, but i definitely saw some hate too. like i said it was defnitely one of the more divisive plots.

*when life gives you lemons*
Sara: are you a sour lemon?


Yep I was a huge Spaleb fan before it started and for most of the relationship. It's a shame that they once again ruined a storyline with potential in favor of shipper opinions and sticking with their formulaic couples.

"When life gives you lemons"
Jessica D: sleep with their fathers and have secret lemon children 


Mainly my opinions on ships.
My favorite ships were wren/spencer, noel/aria, emily/toby, and while I like Haleb, I liked her woth Jordan more.

. I thought the Mona being A was a complete copout. It was copy and pasted from the book and was anticlimatic because of that.
. I liked ezria at one point(season 1)
. I've hated Spencer since the season 3 finale for being weak and forgiving Toby.


I liked Cece reveal. 6B was great.


Mine are:

Ezria: I absolutely hate this ship. In my case, it's not about the teacher-student thing, it's about the age gap. I have recently graduated from university, meaning I'm more or less the same age as Ezra in S1, and I would never, ever date a 16-year-old. No matter how mature that person is, we still have completely different mindsets, ambitions etc. Plus I don't know how Aria could get back with Ezra after that plot twist with him previously knowing Alison.

Emison: I can't stand this ship either. The way Alison treated Emily before she went missing is just despicable. I still have the feeling Alison is using Emily, in spite of her "redemption".

Spoby: I like Spoby in general, but I don't want Spencer to stay in Rosewood. A smart, ambitious girl like her should aspire for more and deserves more.

Spaleb: I actually liked this ship. I think that Spencer and Caleb go well together. They have similar personalities. But I have to add that I like Haleb too.

Alison: I liked Alison better when she was dead. I loved the whole mystery surrounding her disapeparance and the flashbacks featuring her and the girls.

CeCe being A: I am not completely against it, but I think the whole CeCe plotline was poorly executed.

DiLaurentis-Drake-Hastings saga: I still have to decide what I think about that mess. 


I don't know how unpopular this is, but I actually liked Sabrina and Emily together. I think that they are a better fit for each other. Emily seems more like higher off the ground and Sabrina could have been that anchor she needed to come down since she seems more relaxed and grounded.

I liked CeCe as A. Just wish they had given it better planning and execution as to why she did what she did. I agree that she was less predictable than Mona was.

Hanna needs to kick Caleb to the curb and leave it at that. Leave Caleb to lick his wounds.

This whole DiLaurama with an obvious extended family. I'm tired of it. Apparently Peter cannot keep it in his pants. Like how many hidden family members does this family have? Someone must have finally unlocked that closet to get those ghosts and skeletons out. Like, can you stop?
