Aria and Ezra

Going from twitter and tumblr to here I can't help but notice the amount of hate, that is displayed here, for these characters and their relationship campared to those other sites. As of right now I am kind off indifferent towards their relationship, they are both adults now and can take their own decisions. However, I am very curious of the arguments on this board and I am going to narrow their relationship down to 3 parts. I will start with my opinions:

Season 1-3 (student-teacher drama, BEFORE it was revealed that he was writing a book): At this time I think I didn't really care that their relationship was illegal. I liked the characters and the actors chemistry was amazing, that was why I took a liking to them. People have to remember that this is a fictional tv-series, the rules in reality doesn't apply here, and the main characters in all tv-series does questionsble things throughout the series, still we often like them either way. It's a fictional world and we like to strech the limits. Besides they made it clear and really took an effort to show that Ezra was not a creep. He was the one who wanted to end the relationship seversl times, but Aria wouldn't let hem. Aria was always the one to call the shots and they didn't even have sex until the end of season 2, if I remember it correctly.

Season 4-6A (when he was revealed): I don't know where the Hell Marlene was going with this when she wanted them to get together again. It was creepy, disgusting and plainly weird. Now here is the predator we missed in the first seasons, but why take such a turn? We had never ever seen that side of him before. Dumb and stupid considering they ended up together again.

Season 6B-7 (after the time jump): They are both adults now so I don't see anything wrong with them now. I just find myself not including the events in season 4 when I think about their relationship today, I like to think that it never happened since it was so badly done.


Forgot to ad: what do you think?


i think its a very disgusting, predatory relationship and I cannot believe the only person involved on the show that talks about how awful it is to have show portray statutory rape as romantic is troian. All those people should be very vocal about how disgusting the whole ezra/aria is.
I just cannot believe people ever even shipped them to begin with, but after finding out that Ezra knew her age, hooked up with 15 year old Allison and studied and stalked them for years for a freaking book people still like them. Like, where are these people's sanity??


Well said @sumsumdiana, I concur vehemently I find the portrayal of their relationship to be disturbing and disgusting.


I always disliked them, but it wasn't until the truth about Fitz came out that I really started to hate it.

And maybe I'm stereotyping, but the reason why this board is so different from for instance Twitter/Tumblr is because the posters on Twitter and Tumblr are in general younger than the people here on IMDb with a few exceptions. (You'll not find hormonal teens that writes posts here on IMDb that pretty much goes "OMFG if Ezria/Spoby/Haleb/Emison don't end up together I'm going to kill the writers and then myself" like you will on Youtube/Twitter/Tumblr, and you'll not see people writing hateful messages towards the actors that plays characters like Liam, Jordan, Sabrina or any other love interest the liars have that isn't Fitz/Caleb/Toby/Alison.)

Even if it's just fiction and that TV-shows are supposed to be entertaining and not moral compasses, and that parents are the ones who should teach their kids what's right and wrong, it still leaves a bad taste in my mouth how the show has normalized their relationship, particularily considering how writers and actors in interviews also have supported their relationship. Like another replier said, Troian is pretty much the only one who have pointed out how creepy this situation would've been if it happened in real life.

Now that Aria is an adult, she can do whatever she wants, I don't care. I just think it was incredibly stupid of her to ever forgive Fitz when the truth about him came out.

I've got nothing against God, it's his fanclub I can't stand


I don't care how disgusting it is, I just find them incredibly boring and cringe worthy to watch. They're either attacking each other with their snake tongues or staring longingly over a pie.


EZRIA is end game.


Just from my experiences online, I would say the imdb fans are way different when it comes to shipping and character love. Hanna and Aria are very popular outside of imdb and Ezria has a massive fanbase. Those fans are usually younger and care more about romance. We all tend to agree when it comes to Shower Harvey and plotholes though lol. I never liked Aria and Ezra together. I tolerated them because I thought they would have some consequences and a reveal of their relationship that would affect their lives. When that didn't happen I rolled my eyes and stopped paying attention to their scenes until the 4B plot. After that happened, I don't see how anyone could like them as a couple. They're boring and the way he pursued Aria is disturbing. He was also vicious with Spencer over a stupid book he didn't even publish. It's just so ridiculous and they try to shoehorn him into every scene. I will continue to mock them but I won't forgive the writers for ruining Aria to prop Ezra up and that will always be my biggest issue with the couple. She's actually useful, logical, and caring when he's not in an episode.

"When life gives you lemons"
Jessica D: sleep with their fathers and have secret lemon childrenĀ 


My biggest gripe with this couple are the characters and actors. The characters are dull, uninteresting, and self-absorbed. The actors have no chemistry, the dialogue between the two of them is laughable and cringeworthy. There's just nothing to root for with them, they are unlikeable.

As for they student/teacher romance... I didn't nessecarily have a problem with that. I probably could get behind the storyline if the writers and actors did a much better job. I love a good unconventional, sometimes tragic love story. I think what it needed was consequences and obstacles. They had none. So stupid. And Ezra probably should've ended up dead or in prison back in season 4.



You'll find Ezria shippers tend to be teenage schoolgirls who DO think it's romantic to be sleeping with your teacher.


Ezria has always been the most despicable part of the show for me. I was always waiting for them to villainize Ezra as he deserved but they never did. The grossest part is that even though he didn't know he was her teacher, he KNEW Aria was 15 when he first hooked up with her (because of his book research), and he was what, 23 or 24 at the time? It's statutory rape for a reason. He is older and should have known better.

It also further fetishized teenage girls in the media as being sex objects which we really don't need any more of.....ugh

And aside from all that the characters are really boring together, not much to root for


I am pretty indifferent toward Ezria at this point (every time Ezra comes on the screen I just say, "please die" lol).. I loathe their relationship but realize they aren't going anywhere because of Marlene's obsession, so I just tolerate it, I guess. Aside from the Ezra-being-a-predator-thing, which everyone here has already mentioned, they are just BLEEPING BORING!!! Ezra has been the reason why Aria is always separated from her friends and being involved with the mystery. I loved her character in the book, but she's just ruined on the tv show. And it's a shame because I think Lucy is the perfect Aria, she just gets no material to work with outside of Ezria sh!+.
