Aria and Ezra
Going from twitter and tumblr to here I can't help but notice the amount of hate, that is displayed here, for these characters and their relationship campared to those other sites. As of right now I am kind off indifferent towards their relationship, they are both adults now and can take their own decisions. However, I am very curious of the arguments on this board and I am going to narrow their relationship down to 3 parts. I will start with my opinions:
Season 1-3 (student-teacher drama, BEFORE it was revealed that he was writing a book): At this time I think I didn't really care that their relationship was illegal. I liked the characters and the actors chemistry was amazing, that was why I took a liking to them. People have to remember that this is a fictional tv-series, the rules in reality doesn't apply here, and the main characters in all tv-series does questionsble things throughout the series, still we often like them either way. It's a fictional world and we like to strech the limits. Besides they made it clear and really took an effort to show that Ezra was not a creep. He was the one who wanted to end the relationship seversl times, but Aria wouldn't let hem. Aria was always the one to call the shots and they didn't even have sex until the end of season 2, if I remember it correctly.
Season 4-6A (when he was revealed): I don't know where the Hell Marlene was going with this when she wanted them to get together again. It was creepy, disgusting and plainly weird. Now here is the predator we missed in the first seasons, but why take such a turn? We had never ever seen that side of him before. Dumb and stupid considering they ended up together again.
Season 6B-7 (after the time jump): They are both adults now so I don't see anything wrong with them now. I just find myself not including the events in season 4 when I think about their relationship today, I like to think that it never happened since it was so badly done.