Shay Mitchell is definitely the weakest link out of the four main actresses. Her main strength is probably doing action scenes which is why they give Emily so many of those. Her character sort of falls through when she has to do very emotional scenes but she has surprised me in a good way for a couple of times: coming out to her dad (along with most scenes with her dad, those two just had a wonderful on screen relationship), Maya's death and (spoiler from season six) when she is talking to her dad's tombstone in the cemetery . But then again Troian has this kind of ambition in almost every scene that she shoots.
My problem in later seasons by what I guess is Shay's request is that she has started mixing more of her own public character into Emily's character which takes her really out of character and knowing that her acting is not the strongest is not something that she should be doing. I was sort of okay with Lucy singing in one scene in an earlier season because it seems like something that Aria might be able to do, but Emily suddenly having amazing dance moves that have never been mentioned before was far-fetched and unbelievable.
I don't think people bash Lindsey Shaw because her acting is bad. She has just gotten a public character assassination because her character got a lot of hate (some of it from very obsessive fans). I don't think it matter whether you like the character she portrays or not but I think she has given her character a very three dimensional portrayal considering how little time she has gotten on screen. For me it looked professional.
Vanessa Ray might have also gotten some hate because people were disappointed with the CeCe reveal. It's not her fault that the writing and the twist sucked. When she had a good script to work with in earlier seasons her acting was pretty good. On the other hand, the lack of quality in how Sara is portrayed can't just be blamed on bad writing. Every line she delivers makes me want to crawl out of my skin.
And yes, Ashley Benson's acting is underrated. People often assume that comedic acting is easy because it's basically just clowning around but that is false. It takes talent to portray a comical character like Hanna can often be ("Hanna knows what Hanna means!") and she also holds her own when it comes to the dramatic scenes. Some of my favorite parts of the earlier seasons is Hanna dealing with her dad because there were so many subtle emotions that she showed through glances, small facial expressions and body language.