MovieChat Forums > Pretty Little Liars (2010) Discussion > Most heartbreaking A reveal Spoilers for...

Most heartbreaking A reveal Spoilers for 7B

So with all of the rumors going around that Uber A is related to one of the PLLs, who do you want Uber A to be going by this information? I'm really pulling for Melissa. As most of you know she has been my main suspect since season 1. Thoughts? Which PLL do you think is related to A?

"When life gives you lemons"
Jessica D: sleep with their fathers and have secret lemon children 


Spencer or Ali. If the rumor is true.


Alison or Aria

Peace, Love, and Soul 


If we're just going on the related thing I wouldn't mind seeing it being Hanna or Ariah's mom. They'd have to have a DAAAAAMN good reason so its not so ridiculous but I can see those actresses wigging out very well in the reveal. I can't see: Mike, Byron, Pastor Ted(?), Emily's mom, or dad (Obvi but wouldnt put it passed the writers bringing him back from the dead LoL) Anyone in Spencers family is too obvious. Especially Melissa or her parents.

I still want Wren or Andrew to pop up and be it.


Watch it be Kate...


I will effing RAGEEE down the streets tipping cars LOL


Eh... better than Shower tbh.


Caleb and Mona


I actually would love for this to happen.

Peace, Love, and Soul 


If done correctly it could be pretty much perfect.

"When life gives you lemons"
Jessica D: sleep with their fathers and have secret lemon children 


Indeed, but I don't see them going there a second time with Mona.

Peace, Love, and Soul 


They need to. Her and Caleb.


Ya damn right


Ya damn right


Spencer has a twin. It would explain Hanna dreaming about her in the premiere.


Im almost certain that it's spencer. Second place would be aria. Third Hanna and fourth Emily. I'm actually happy that AD is related to one of the lists because it weakens my idea of Lucas being AD.

Unfortunately I get the sense that AD is related to Alison in all honesty. We see the flash forward in 7x19-the penultimate episode. I truly get the sense that although not many of us agree, but I think IMK considers Ali one of the liars. Similar to Charles the D could be for Dilaurentis and just another relative of Ali's we've never heard about.
My guess is the D in AD definitely stands for Dilaurentis or Drake


And by Spencer I mean AD is related to spencer. Not actually that Spencer is AD.


Melissa, Alison or Spencer's twin lol
