MovieChat Forums > Rizzoli & Isles (2010) Discussion > We got it, boys/girls! Maura/Jane are ca...

We got it, boys/girls! Maura/Jane are canon! In the 11th Hour!

With a love declaration and peace and love and brotherhood, and not the last 3.

Seriously, they gave us an 11th hour confession, but we got it. Cut it down to the wire, they did. :)
Hell, Kent even figured it out and helped Jane there at the end! I loved that. He literally said everything but "Tell her."

I might be going to sleep soon, so hopefully if I do, I won't wake up and see over 9000 comments in this thread, but hey, we got it, everybody who realized they were a couple.

For the haters, well, sorry, you done picked the wrong horse to bet on and lost your life savings, and your immortal soul. I kid, I kid. Just a joke there.

For those who were indifferent, well, at least you wouldn't be mad. :)
I look forward to celebrations. Please feel free to send all beer, blackjack, and hookers to Bender as a gift. :)

Edit: Anyone who attacks me or others with bigotry and hatred will be reported. Obey the rules, it common sense.

I am a man with Asperger's Syndrome, so please forgive me if my posting seems weird.


They were talking to everyone at the party. Go find a fan fiction board somewhere and you can right all the fantasies you want.



Except that they literally said "I love you." And that's not something you say to literally everyone at a party at the same time.

Sorry, but being a hater doesn't make you right.
The shows over, the only one getting fanfiction now is the people who don't like the pairing.

Seriously, it was blindly obvious. Sorry, you haters are not going to rain on my parade.
They are a couple. It's canon at the end, 11th hour, sorry.
"You lose, you get nothing, good day, sir." Willy Wonka.

I mean, what part of 11th hour did you not get? Literally at the last possible moment.

Also by saying, "Go to a fanfiction board where you can write out your fantasies." You lose all credibility.

Ironically, you also lose the ability to defend yourself against any statement made here-on throughout until the very end of entropic heat death. :)
Why do people never read the fine print when they pick up their hater card?

While you are not as crude as the other person, who is obviously drunk, no one says that if they're not drunk, I think it would be in your best interest to not tell people they're wrong when they're not and it's kind of rude to do it the way you did.

I am a man with Asperger's Syndrome, so please forgive me if my posting seems weird.


At the time they recorded their messages, neither Maura nor Jane knew that the party, and hence the video, was for anybody other than Korsac.

Kinda blows your homoerotic fantasy into fanfic land.


There's gay porn everywhere idiot. But Rizzoli and Isles are not going muff diving anytime soon.


Go home, you're drunk! Sorry, they said, "I love you." Not "Let's go have sex."
Seriously, I don't know how you confuse the two at all.
Perhaps you need a dictionary.

Because, as far as pearl diving, and other slang, they never needed to do that on the show. :)

I am a man with Asperger's Syndrome, so please forgive me if my posting seems weird.


They're about as gay as you are perceptive. In other words not at all. It must suck to be so clueless.


So, you're trolling, and being homophobic and offensive, and many other things?
Do you want to be banned from IMDB?
Because that's the only outcome here. Hate speech is against the rules. Attacking others is against the rules. Being offensive is against the rules.

I am a man with Asperger's Syndrome, so please forgive me if my posting seems weird.



Why do you want to be banned from this website? Especially by making up random rules that don't make sense.

I am a man with Asperger's Syndrome, so please forgive me if my posting seems weird.


Too bad. I would love to see it.


What you're doing is being insulting.
You clearly know nothing about misogyny by calling me a misogynist.

You do know all the signs were there between Maura and Jane for quite some time, right?
Jane gazed lovingly at Maura as she sang in the second episode of this season.

That's just one tiny example.
Sorry, but you have no credibility now and are extremely offensive. I urge you to stop being homophobic when it's now canon that they love each other.
The "I Love you." was to each other. It was blatantly obvious.

Please learn what Misogyny is, or you will get laughed at by 3rd wave feminists. :)
In fact, even the first and second wave Feminists will laugh at you.

I hope you never actually have to deal with misogyny, since you think two women being a couple is somehow misogyny.

Are you sure you know what that word means, because hatred of women would not allow a person to realize two women love each other.

You just set woman's rights back about 50 years by saying that.
You done goofed. Gloria Steinem is so going to yell at you.
Hand in your humanity card, because you lost it. :)

I am a man with Asperger's Syndrome, so please forgive me if my posting seems weird.


Canon, to me, is defined by the creator of the characters. By canon, they are NOT gay. Jane is married with a daughter and Maura is in love with a priest (male, obviously).

Boo Hoo! Let me wipe away the tears with my PLASTIC hand!--Lindsey McDonald (Angel)


You are aware the books are vastly different from the show, therefor you cannot actually pull canon from the books and apply it to the TV show, right?

TV show canon is and has always been what I meant.

I am a man with Asperger's Syndrome, so please forgive me if my posting seems weird.


You are the one who cannot stand two straight women being in a platonic, loving friendship! You devalue the reality of their relationship, which devalues them. They are women not fitting into a role you so desperately want for them; women not doing what you want. Coming from a man, it sounds just a bit misogynistic.

I would have no problem with them being lesbians. But they're not! The author of the books, the showrunners, the producers, and the actors have all said as clearly as they can: "JANE AND MAURA ARE STRAIGHT WOMEN!" This is what Canon actually is.

You living in a fantasy world, wanting so desperately for a character to be something it's not is rather sad. You've accused me of being homophobic, which couldn't be farther from the truth. You are the one who seems dismissive of a heterosexual relationship...aren't you really the one who has a phobia in your heart? If this was real life, you not accepting their heterosexual orientation would be considered extremely disrespectful.


I'm sorry, but that is the most offensive thing I've ever read.
The books are different from the show.
You cannot compare the two.

It was blatently obvious what "I love you." meant.
And you should know that the actors and the showrunners would have never done the ending like this if they wanted them to be straight women.
Not to mention, none of them have ever actually said that "THey are straight as an arrow."
Maura's actress even pointed out that she could see the two of them become sexual.

You have no clue how this show functions, and your statements make less sense than anything I have ever read.
You are homophobic because you refuse to accept the idea that the entire point of the ending was to prove that they were in love.

What allows you to ignore the fact that Jane gazed lovingly at Maura in the second episode of this season? How can you ignore that?

If you truly had no problems you would not ATTACK ME FOR MY OPINION.
Because you did, you are wrong. Period.
You cannot attack people and then claim you are the only one right.

I am a man with Asperger's Syndrome, so please forgive me if my posting seems weird.


I find this "need" some people have to make them gay so funny! These are fictional characters and you're putting an inordinate amount of time trying to convince people how "right" you are. The reality is that the only thing that is canon is that these characters are based on books where they are most definitely straight. You calling people names because they don't share your fantasy is out of line and hypocritical.

If they were gay, that would be fine, but since there is verifiable source material to prove otherwise, you look pretty foolish. Everyone who is familiar with the source material is not "a hater" for thinking they are straight. They just have some common sense. If you want to believe it, why do you care so much what others think?

Platonic friendships are strong bonds that involve love. By seeing something sexual involved in someone telling people they love them is sad and speaks more about you than the characters you're discussing.


So, you attack a person and that somehow proves your point?
I never called anyone names, so that kills your credibility.

For the ninth time, TV show canon is different than the books, so bringing up the books is the dumbest thing ever.

The evidence is massive, the entire point of them saying. "I love you." like they did was to prove it.

I am sick and tired of being attacked by violent psychotic hatred, or even non psychotic hatred.
Seriously, why do people have no understanding of basic human decency here?
What is so important about your hatred that you must attack others for daring to be different?

This is 2016, not 1956.

I am a man with Asperger's Syndrome, so please forgive me if my posting seems weird.


So, you attack a person and that somehow proves your point?

Where did I attack you?

I never called anyone names, so that kills your credibility.

The following is your posts quoted in this thread alone.
Sorry, but being a hater doesn't make you right.

Why is someone a "hater" because they disagree with you? People just disagree with your thoughts. Grow up! You don't get to decide others feelings because they conflict with yours.

Go home, you're drunk!

That's a name call, not to mention ignorant.

You are homophobic because you refuse to accept the idea that the entire point of the ending was to prove that they were in love.

Homophobic is a name call and an insult. How dare you label people just because they disagree. I couldn't care less that you think they got together. If you're going to post on a message board, understand that others might feel differently. It's kind of the whole point of a message board. Duh!

just because you're a homophobic bigot?

How is that not name calling. The only credibility lost here is yours.

The evidence is massive, the entire point of them saying. "I love you." like they did was to prove it.

That is your interpretation of the scene. I don't see it at all. I tell my friends I love them all the time. It's normal.

I am sick and tired of being attacked by violent psychotic hatred, or even non psychotic hatred.
Seriously, why do people have no understanding of basic human decency here?
What is so important about your hatred that you must attack others for daring to be different?

Again, where were you attacked? All I did was disagree with you. The world goes on dude!

If they really wanted to throw the couple loving fans a bone, they would not have introduced a love interest for Jane who would be waiting for her when she got back. She even told Maura he could be a keeper.

They did a good ending that was left open to interpretation and yours isn't the only one.

Quit whining about how you're being attacked when people just disagree. You sound like an immature crybaby. There, now I've insulted you. See the difference?


My wife and I were late comers to R&I; just having seen the last four seasons, but we were hooked immediately by the relationship between Jane and Maura. That the two women were in love with each other was obvious to us, and we are grateful to the show runners, and the actors and producers to have given us an ending to the show that acknowledged the love and left the door open. Even if it was at the last minute...... Here's hoping they are really enjoying Paris!


Yeah they're enjoying it be having sex with men, not each other. Another delusional poster


I really want to know why you want to be banned from IMDB forever just because you're a homophobic bigot?

I am a man with Asperger's Syndrome, so please forgive me if my posting seems weird.


You do know that there are people in the world that enjoys sex with both men and women, right...

I've got nothing against God, it's his fanclub I can't stand


Thank you! I'm not sure why all the violent psychotic haters have attacked me for pointing out the obvious, but they have.
Don't let them get you down though.

I am a man with Asperger's Syndrome, so please forgive me if my posting seems weird.


The only obvious thing is you being a delusional jackàss.


Anyone who attacks me or others with bigotry and hatred will be reported. Obey the rules, it common sense.

It's far easier to simply add members that make objectionable posts to your ignore list:
1) Roll cursor over "Flag"
2) Left-click on "Ignore User" when it drops down

Done. You'll never have to read their posts again.

I'll verify it works by trying it on your first post. 

Ignoring politics doesn't mean politics will ignore you.
-Pericles paraphrased in <100 characters


Come on yes they love each other however that does not mean that they are sexually attracted to each other or they are a couple. They have never shown any sign of being attracted to women and they are both have exclusively only dated men and the Doctor Who is shown herself to be very open would not be hiding homosexual tendencies. Two friends at the same sex can have a closer than normal and even loving relationship without being attracted to each other sexually.. if you cannot understand this I feel sorry for you because you obviously have not ever had a true best friend.


If your saying as friends, then that's fine but definitely not as a couple.


typical delusional shipper reaction right there.

They just love each other as friends that's all, that's different to being IN love with someone, and that won't change no matter how much you shippers try to convince yourselves otherwise.


Strange I find the absolute fear and disgust coming off some of they aren't gay posts to be far more delusional.

I liked R&I but I never shipped them.

That said it was obvious the show wrote them with a lot of are they or aren't they innuendo. And the fact many viewers either missed it or ignored it does not make the people who picked up on it delusional it means they actually recognized what the producers were doing.

The fact R&I was regularly and repeatedly called out for queer baiting indicates this is not something one determined viewer noticed. The fact the actors were asked about it. The fact the producer commented on it...etc. R&I clearly toyed audiences with the idea it might go one way or the other. So if the post author feels it went one way then he's merely engaging in a decision based on years of the show's teasing and toying the idea of a romance between the two characters.

It's akin to Charleton Heston's denial of homosexuality in Ben Hur. Just because he didn't recognize it doesn't mean it wasn't there.


I used to watch the series together with two friends of mine.
One friend was so annoyed by this queer baiting and are they or aren't they innuendo that she actually stopped watching the show about 2 seasons ago. She told me that I should tell her when Maura and Jane finally get together as a love couple. Then she would start watching again.

The other friend got so bored by the growing number of b-stories about the private lives of the secondary characters that she literally fell asleep while watching the show since the start of its last season. So she gave up watching too and I ended up watching the second half of the last season alone.

I like the series finale because it leaves room for a lot of imagination and fodder for fanfiction writers.
I never read the books, but since some people said that the series diverges from them in several aspects, it is possible that Maura and Jane can turn out as bisexual in the aftermath of the series while in the books they might be straight.

House to Wilson about Cuddy: She is not some floozy in a bar. She is the floozy I work for.


gabbyg77 - I do this with a number of shows but I forward through most secondary scenes involving character's personal lives. There was a concerted effort here to have Lifetime Channel segments. We should all be grateful the series recuperated from the Dr. Scholl's Inserts Infomercial Era.
