For starters, apparently, no-one making the movie ever heard of a spike strip routinely used by military and law-enforcement to stop cars.
I also thought a Corvette would be like the worst vehicle to use- one tap and things don't bend, they shatter.
I worked in Corrections, and the first thing they tell you is that if you are taken hostage, you are dead meat. Law enforcement can't allow a dangerous prisoner loose to jeopardize the public using a hostage for protection.
I downloaded the movie, couldn't watch it after awhile, just too stupid.
1) Suggest you stay away from grammer Nazis 2) Not sure what your point is, but the only reason for seeing Memento was for those who wish to know what it feels like to have Alzheimer's. I'll pass on that, thanks. 3) I want to be entertained when I see a movie. Stupid things like cops not using spike strips makes me hit the "go-away" box and find something else to watch. Of course, that would have ruined the Corvette theme... You ever see the movie, "Tank"? That was sort of fun at the roadblock scene.
jmact, I completly agree. My friend rented this so we both started to watch. After the corvette turns around on the freeway and starts driving in reverse then the big ass SUV flips over the hood of the corvette, I looked at my friend and said "ok besides the horrible lines, i've seen enough" and just walked out of the room.
I have a post on my facebook page describing this moment as the exact point at which I could no longer watch. My friend looked at me and I said "ok that is all I need to see", and she agreed. I decided she needed to experience the unrated version of Sex Drive.....which I deem the funniest movie seemingly no one has heard of. She had never heard of it, and was not disappointed.
Anyway I just thought it was funny half way across the country someone else was reacting the exact same way to the exact same scene. Its very very rare (like I cant think of another time in life) that I call it quits on a movie, so to do it at the exact same moment you pointed out is pretty telling I think.
The reason they will make money from this movie is that people will go to see Arnold, expect a nice body count, and most won't care if the movie police don't use spike strips. I certainly wasn't expecting a documentary, but the movie just didn't pass the stupidity test, I couldn't get lost in it, and I found that I wasn't entertained. I guess having a little law enforcement and military background makes my bar just a little higher than a lot of others.
There is suspending disbelief when you see someone jumping off of buildings and being ok, but then there is this movie. My main problem is this habit in recent movies where no one knows what they're doing. After the general ridiculousness of Olympus Has Fallen, and our Secret Service just running out of open doors to be mowed down like in a video game, why do none of the deputies know what the hell they are doing?
From not knowing how to trace a license plate (or digging any deeper even though the Sheriff has expressed reservations), or not knowing how to process a crime scene, to knowing someone was murdered and following tracks and just walking up to potential perps to ask them if they "did it", to moving out of cover when the lights go out because you thought the bad guys had left or couldn't see you, to walking out in the street with no cover and not expecting to get shot, to sitting up in a sniper position and not covering your colleague who is walking in the street with no cover, to being such horrible shots, and on and on. Can we make a story where people actually know what to do, but perhaps are overmatched? I think that's what they were going for, but they went too far on the side of 'these are country rubes who don't know squat but will still prevail.' I felt this movie would have been more fun if they had shown even a basic level of competence on the deputies side. The fact that the Sheriff came from the LAPD and apparently didn't teach his deputies anything is the worst thing about this movie. I vaguely enjoyed this movie, but there were too many moments of like, "really? you're just going to do that? yeah, ok, right!"
Sorry, I know this is an old post - I actually liked this movie and gave it a 6.5 (7 being my max cap for action movies because, IMO, they tend to be stupid). Yeah, when the corvette flipped around and casually knocked a friggin' Hummer out of the way, I almost turned it off - my ex had a corvette, and that thing got scratched when he set a laundry basket on it while it was in the garage (still a hot car). I happen to love Ji-Woon Kim's direction, the tracking and fast shots, showing bullets leaving the gun, etc. I wasn't disappointed here.
Anyways, just real quick about the deputies being totally clueless - I lived in *beep* New Mexico for a regrettable year, and the deputies there had to take a six week firearms/investigative training course. That is completely 100% of the required training. No police academy, no associates degree, and gawd forbid anyone go to a "real" four-year college. I was horrified that these people, who were barely literate high school bullies (I would ordinarily not generalize, but like I said, I was there for a whole year and saw how the treated people or had trouble figuring out the math to leave a tip at the restaurant I worked in), were carrying weapons around and "keeping the peace." So a couple of small town deputies in a tiny border town may very well have been that incompetent. If they'd been in any type of sizable city, I would call shenanigans too.
I dunno, maybe I just didn't drink enough beer... Hard for me to switch my brain off, I guess, when you know every police cruiser has those spike mats in the trunk. We were talking about this the other day. Movies start off with a premise, like time travel is possible, or that vampires, zombies, or superpowers exist. Or that the story takes place long ago in a galaxy far away. One of my favorite movies of all time is Fifth Element, I had no problem with that one, and I love Riddick (can't wait of the sequel). But if it's supposed to be a drug-lord vs. cop flick, I guess I've just seen too many episodes of Breaking Bad and the Wire to put up with this stupid crap. I got hung up after a couple of episodes of 24 after one of those scenes where the bad guy, the psychopath, takes a hostage, gun to head, the good guy, Kiefer, faces him down, stalemate occurs, then the Kiefer lays his gun down and puts his hands up. End of series for me. Started watching the Longmire series which seemed promising. Then there was the scene were he, armed with his trusty 1911, and a couple deps run up a steep hill to attack the bad guy who was in a nice defensible position with an AK. Jeesh.
I've liked Arnold in a lot of roles, including Gov., Predator, Terminator, even True Lies, but I had no problem suspending disbelief for any of those.
This film was awful plain and simple, and its only teenagers and morons bigging it up ,because they havent taken the time to broaden their viewing pallet with such things that are on par of the brilliance of Breaking Bad and the Wire.
These are the reason why we have This is the End, Pineapple Express , Revolution etc etc
Arnie is just an actor.... He works in what he is given. Predator T1 and T2 are proof that when Arnie is given a good movie, the end results can be great.
This time round with the last stand he was given drivel, so thats what the end results were.
If they got rid of knoxville, the fat guy and the dumbass love story it could of been a proper all out action movie instead of convoluted nonsense.