Wrong Casting Choice for Jace

I love this book series. When I heard they were making the movie, I truly hoped that Alex Pettyfer would be cast as Jace. I think he would have been excellent. And apparently the producers/director or whoever agreed, since Alex was the first choice. I'm really disappointed that he turned down the role. I think he would have made the movie 100 times better. Jamie Campbell Bower kind of ruined Jace for me. If City of Ashes is made, I hope they recast Jace. As annoying as recasting is normally, I think it would improve the movie overall.

-Lizzie Belle-

Dude you're confusing porn with reality- Sam Winchester


Full disclosure: I used to be a CC fan girl, I inhaled everything that woman came out with, shopping lists, to-do lists, doodles anything. And I still think her Draco Trilogy is better than most published YA books - but that's just me

So when city of bones came out I rushed to consume it. Readable? Yes. Compelling? No. I left the series after the first instalment. But. I loved Jace. I didn't care for Clary, like at all. But Jace, I loved and when I saw that Campbell-Bower was going to work his own unique 'magic' with the role (i.e. cr@p all over it) I was horrified.

CB has only ever been good in one thing (that I've seen, at least) Anonymous where he played the young Earl of Oxford.

Alex Pettyfer would have been perfect for Jace. He has the right look and he has more charisma than CB. But you can't hold a gun to the guy's head and make him take the part - no use crying over spilt milk.

I also think Collins can't act for sh't. They would have done better to get one of those mannequins you see in department store windows, to play Clary. Stick a red wig on it and you're good to go.

The experience of watching this film was like sitting in a theatre and having someone take a giant dump on you.

Frankly, I felt violated

Everything I've ever told you has been a lie. Including that - George Spiggott


And I still think her Draco Trilogy is better than most published YA books

Yes! I still read them sometimes, they're timelessly awesome.

I kinda think she hit her peak with the Draco Trilogy. She really wanted the success of the DT, but in commercial writing so she plagiarised herself. I'm not getting into the plagiarism w*nk (where she plagiarised OTHER people) nor am I getting into the whole, Comparisons between the Draco Trilogy and The Mortal Instruments thing.

I'm saying that for sticking with her through that of mediocre rip off of a great fanfic, we deserved a sexy, gorgeous Jace/Draco. JCB was cast because he had connections to the Twilight saga. He did well with his accent and managed to pull of SOME measure of snark. He was in no way, shape or form the right choice. JCB fans can argue it anyway they like; he's not traditionally sex and he looked fairly emaciated throughout most of that film.

It's not like Jace's looks were open to interpretation, either. When a book bashes you over the head with the fact that your male lead is gorgeous, try and cast someone actually gorgeous. Jeeze, there were no sexy, beautiful smouldering unknowns out there? I know Pettyfer wasn't interested, but he's not the ONLY good looking blonde in the acting business.

Casting JCB was a cowardly move, showing the film makers (quite accurate) fears of a flop and wanting to bolster it by putting someone from Twilight in there.

___"We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars. Except for trolls."____


I still read them sometimes, they're timelessly awesome.

Me too. They're really special and made me love HP even more than I might have otherwise. I saw all sorts of wonderful hidden (and imaginary ) subtexts after that

I remember everyone whining over the *ahem* plagiarism issue, but I didn't give a sh't. I loved what she produced and still think it's incredibly well written. And I'll always love her 'Very Secret Diaries' too.

It's not like Jace's looks were open to interpretation, either. When a book bashes you over the head with the fact that your male lead is gorgeous, try and cast someone actually gorgeous.

True. I know everyone's view of what is gorgeous varies, but she was pretty specific about his appearance. Hell, even the cover of the damned book was a better representation of what kind of Jace we should expect (the model on the cover gave great 'body' - daymn!), and sadly, JCB is just a bit of a weed. Probably a lovely bloke, but just not right for Jace.

So put some spice in my sauce, honey in my tea, an ace up my sleeve and a slinkyplanb


Alex Pettyfer? Yawn I don't understand why he gets suggested for every role

I must become someone else. I must become something else.

Batfleck and Gal Gadot will Prevail


Simply because of his looks. Sadly, he has no desire to hone his acting skills and seems to just go with the flow of being eye candy and picking really dumb movies instead. Endless Love, anyone?

I would always rather be happy than dignified.


First I was sceptical about JCB as Jace and also imagined Pattyfer to be the best Choice for this role. But I changend my mind, when I saw Jamie as Jace. Maybe he is not as beautiful as Alex, but still he is far away from being ugly and his look is very Unique. I also thought about Pattyfer being a little bit to short for Jace, since he is considered to be a tall guy. Maybe he is a little Androgynous but this also emphasizes his more sensible and vulnerable side. Still he pulled out the darker and more violent parts of his character so well, that I was fairly satisfied with his portrayal, more then Pattinson as Edward e.g.
I kinda think having some flaws instead of being just perfectly Beautiful, which Jace in my opinion also isn't, also adds something to his character. This is one reason why I started to dislike Pattyfer, because there is not much more to him , than his good looking face and as an actor I still think he can't compete with Bower yet, because I don't know of any outstanding performance from him.
I Still agree, that Jace Hair could have been done better as well as his make up, which sometimes really looked creepy and dead.
