People are hard on him because expectations for the guy playing this role were exceptionally high. JCB is a good actor - I liked his snark in the movie, however he did not cut it. Jace is not described as, "Attractive in a weird way, hot in an unconventional manner," he's angelic. Painfully good looking. JCB is...not.
For people who have read the entire series, they'll know that Jace being STUNNINGLY good looking isn't just a nice footnote - it's a big deal, concerning plot and...stuff. It's like dismissing the fact that Harry Potter has green eyes and carrying on showing Radcliffe's blues. It's an important factor that they have overlooked.
Cassandra Clare obviously approved of him, but it's no secret he was not her choice. He IS odd looking. Jace is not. It's really not a matter of interpretation or beauty being in the eye of the beholder.
Jace is incredibly beautiful...JCB is not. Y'all should have been around when he was first cast. THAT was some uproar.
Also, please don't think I'm a CC fan girl - I had low expectations for the film, but one expectation I had was that Jace was going to be hot. He was the reason (aside from Magnus and Alec of course) that I pushed on through TMI. I deserved my jaw droppingly, ovary explodingly hot Jace.
___"We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars. Except for trolls."____