MovieChat Forums > The Walking Dead (2010) Discussion > Haven't watched first two episodes of ne...

Haven't watched first two episodes of new season

I started watching episode one, but soon got bored with it. I think I dumped it at around 25 minutes.

I haven't bothered to continue. Not bothered who dies now. The show is stale and Negan is the reason this show has slumped.


Storyline and characters, not just Negan, but like you I quit the show this season, after about the third episode I think.


I'd watched it since day 1, but it's just so what to me now.


I feel your pain, brother. This season's premiere episode stretched out Carl's death for 80% of the entire episode. It's one thing to respectfully bode farewell to a major character...but it's quite another to squeeze every last drop of cheap sentiment out of it until most of the audience is screaming at the TV, "just DIE already, goddamnit!"

I'm going to suffer through the rest of the Negan arc until it's over, then I'm done with TWD universe.


This is the thing what they do. They stretch things out. Why do they tease? It's so annoying. I couldn't care how Carl died. We knew he died last year so why didn't they show his actual death then? That's what is meant by these long drawn out storylines.


i agree. he should have died last season and this season should have started with the aftermath. it was very anticlimactic.


"just DIE already, goddamnit!"

OMG!! SO TRUE!! Enough, enough.
