Any fans of the comics?

I’ve been a pretty big fan of the original comic book version of the series by Image comics since before the show began, and I’ve always thought it was the superior version.
There’s several characters that are great in the books who are terribly mishandled on tv.
A lot of the more shocking and brutal scenes are toned down quite a bit as well.
The dialogue and exposition doesn’t feel as slow and laboured either.
Also, since the main plot points of the show tend to be inspired by the book, I’ve already seen the shocking parts about two years earlier.
Any other fans of the comics on here?


I am, or WAS, to be more specific. I quit reading when Kirkman introduced the idiotic Whisperers arc. Going to quit the TV show soon, too, if that storyline is adapted.


Oh, I'm sure it will be adapted. I belong to The Spoiling Dead Fans site, and there is rumor there that maybe Whisperers will show up on Fear the Walking Dead. "Morgan" is going there, too.


Same. Lost interest with the Whisperers.


I still read it, it still manages to surprise me. Especially the recent arc involving Michonne.


I love the comics! Read them all on Youtube , at first, now I have a site I read them on.


I read them up until the Glenn / Negan issue. Then dropped away for a bit. (Not because of any disdain for the comics, just a time issue.) But I caught back up on a binge about a year ago and now am back on the monthly issue train.

I still enjoy them. The current story is a little slow moving but I'm still onboard.


Yeah, I do look forward to them each month. I also read the 16 part "Here's Negan" and I liked it.


Yes, i do. But honestly i doubt tv viewers would really like the comics anymore than they like the show. The comics are faster paced but still have all the other problems tv viewers complain about.


I read the comics until Michonne's altercation with the governor. Too brutal and dreary for me. I also found I didn't like some of the characters in the comics even though I like them in the series like Carol and Tyreese.
Now, I may have to read the later issues to see what's going on with Carl.


I quit at The seemed silly
I may go buy the most recent compendium to see how is going though...
