People have seen it all before. This is another sequel after all. Plus, the movie business doesn't seem to allow auteurs like John Carpenter to thrive any more, so there is less artistic-minded craft put into the films, and therefore less of a chance that you will see something truly original and scary (e.g. Phantasm, Rosemary's Baby, The Exorcist). Things make be edgier in some sense these days, but only in a limited, commercially acceptable way. The devil doesn't pack the same punch any longer. For example, I think it would be far scarier now to invert the idea of The Exorcist and have some religion's God, say the Christian one, come back to this earth and smite a large fraction of the earth's population and damn them to hell for an eternity (for being so naughty). Now *that* would scare a great many more people than Satan or the ghost that haunts the house where a murder once happened.