Did anyone on here actually pay to watch this...!
What a load of CARP......
shareYES! Awesome movie, and you should never sneak into movies, what a cheapskate!
or maybe not, lol http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DksiuYD1bYM
I'm pretty open-minded, but no one should be paying to see this movie - I hope it loses so much cash, no one tries something this terrible again.
I'm aware that's a strong statement - and before I'm jumped on by fans, you have to understand that I LOVE a great pulpy, stylistic action film, especially if it's making fun of itself. I love "Crank", I love "Shoot 'Em Up", and THOSE are well made. No - the plots are not solid, and they're very simple, but they're trying to be just that, and they do it well.
This one just doesn't - it tries too hard (which is hilarious to say about this film) with it's plot - make it about Milton's granddaughter being kidnapped by some simply shady dudes. Then let him violently and originally kill everyone in his path. That's all. Make it look pretty, and if you're going to force the 3D on me, use it well.
And they even ripped off "Shoot 'Em Up" with the sex scene, which really felt shameful to me. I understand parodying the genre of violent action films, but when you're essentially doing the same scene as another movie that is ALSO somewhat parodying the violent action genre, that's simply lazy and unoriginal.
Don't even get me started on the cheesy (and not in a good way) dimensional portal business. Just yuck. I was sooooo disappointed in a film that I thought was going to be mindless fun. Mindless, yes, fun, not so much.
Films like these by production companies are an essential part of the entire film industry. If it wasn't for these films, non of the companies would be as daring to release new titles and just stick to already tried and tested franchises.
I think I'd be sick and tired of Transformers 10, Iron Man 15, Spider Man 5th reboot and the likes. They take a little less money to make and they make up more than a profit in Blu-ray sales and licensing to cable and TV channels. The money is used to fund the big projects.
Apart from all that *beep* up their.....I'm gonna buy the blu ray because of The Accountant, Fichtner kicked some serious ass and if they did a spin off then it will be more than likely be a bigger success than the original.
" It's The Fourth Of The Trilogies!"
Lord Of The Ringtones, Orange Net.
Films like these by production companies are an essential part of the entire film industry. If it wasn't for these films, non of the companies would be as daring to release new titles and just stick to already tried and tested franchises.
I wanted to see this in the theater, but I had various things going on and it left pretty quickly. I rented it from Redbox not too long ago and had a lot of fun watching it. B-movie cheese all the way through.
Never insult seven people when you're only packing a six-shooter.
I didn't see it in the theater, but I bought it on Blu Ray. I'm very happy I did. It has some of the best 3D I have seen.
Technically, yes. Got it at the library, so I paid for it through property taxes and a little bit from the book sales they hold.
shareI just bought the 3D Blu-ray and had a GREAT time! I had missed a good movie in the style of "Grindhouse" :-)
When you see double-you see Fields
I paid to watch this. It was a mistake.