I started watching Sons of Anarchy first and that's probably why I ended up liking it more even though seasons 6 and 7 weren't good, while Justified's last season was the second best of the hole series (first to season 4). Anyway I know that these shows get compared, a lot because they are similar and have multiple actors that appear on both shows. I wonder which one people find better?
Can't both be equally great? Love both shows, and after finishing the final season of Justified I'm watching the entire series over from the beginning. I don't know if I missed it, but I don't recall whether or not Constable Bob lived or died. Was his sub plot left unresolved? If anyone knows can you please let me know if I missed something? Thanks!
Wasn't resolved in the show. However, I read an interview with Graham Yost afterward, and he said they discussed whether they should have someone say something about Bob being ok, and decided that, if they did so, it would be obvious that the line was simply inserted for that purpose, so they decided to leave it out. Nevertheless, he assured the interviewer that Bob lived.
No they can't, and here's one of many reasons Sons of Apathy is unworthy of consideration. In the first season, two of the biker gangs had traveled to meet and conduct business in a biker bar, and were tipped that a third biker gang was inbound to attack them. They decamped from the bar, set up in ambush positions around the bar, waited for the third gang to ride up and empty their weapons into the bar, and then attacked the third gang from ambush and killed.....wait for it.....no one.
No one. Not a single member of the third biker gang was killed.
In a competently-written show about a worth-paying-attention-to biker gang (one with the actual capacity to do criminal acts) 2/3 of the third biker bang would have been strewn around like Civil War re-enactors at an anniversary of Gettysburg and the logistical problem of the moment would have been finding an articulated loader to bury them all. But because SoA is the pure, refined essence of crystalline sh*t, that's not how the episode played out. For which I am grateful, because this early signalling spared me wasting any more time on the series. "Justified," simply by being better than "Three's Company," beat SoA like a rented mule.
However, seeing Walton Goggins in Sons of Anarchy was nearly worth suffering through all the episodes leading up to his appearance. I'd given up after they killed Henry Rollins but then, hearing Goggins gives an unforgettable turn, had to keep going until then.
Brother, you can believe in stones, as long as you don't throw them at me.
Even if you consider only writing and acting, Justified was WAY better. Add in all the other elements, and there's no question. Also, I see few to no similarities between the two, even if they had some performers in common.
Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue.
Both are two different type of shows but acting and story wise Justified is better. SOA was great but the last few season were a chore to get through and I feel the characters just became caricatures.
I knew there were a lot of fans of one liked the other. Kinda surprised Justified getting that kinda love, not that I don't agree, just seems Justified never truly got its due for the great show it was.
I watched SOA for 3 seasons, season 4 bugged me a lot so I casually watched the next few seasons, but never felt as passionate about it as I was Justified.
---------------------------------------- Nobody knows what I do, until I don't do it.
SOA had a lot of fans - being that it was the highest rated show in FX history. But Justified is the immensely better show - on every level. I already expressed my thoughts on the SOA board but I find SOA more rewatchable, just because I'm a huge fan of the actors and some of the characters and a sucker for an epic love story/tragedy. That being said, Justified didn't get the same love when it came to "popularity" but it has a VERY passionate, albeit smaller, fan base. It is more critically revered and come Emmy time, I'm sure it will be awarded.
I love both shows. But I'm very aware that SOA wrote itself into the ground. The first 2 seasons were dynamite. 3 - 5 were good and 6 -7 were pretty bad. Justified's worst season (5) is still immensely better than a complete season of SOA but again, I always find myself rewatching SOA over Justified for some reason lol.
I'm confused. The OP asked for what people thought:opinions.
Am I supposed to apologize for having a different opinion to you?
Despite the fact you consider it an "oversell" there are numerous other comments that concur with what I think, that alone shows it is far from spurious. Furthermore it seems to be more in line with the general consensus.
Don't cry. I realize it's embarrassing for you to be so completely wrong, but you've gotta suck it up and be a grown up.
The only one who should be embarrassed here is you pointing fingers at someone who you've never conversed with until just now. I wasn't talking to you, so keep to yourself.
I think it's time you grow some balls.
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Now you're the king of the board, huh? Making rules that the rest of us have to follow.
I'll let you in on something: it may come as a surprise to you, but these boards are public. When you post foolishness, don't be shocked when other people respond.
Also, my balls are none of your business--however much you wish they were.
Gee....are you in competition with CGSailor for the King A$$hole trophy? Since no-one else has done it yet, I will most likely put you on my ignore list, just so everyone who (unfortunately) has met you in real life have more company.
I've never watched Justified, though I may start now. Totally agree about SOA -- the last two seasons were just painful. Jax became a horrible killing machine, and in the end, the only characters I liked/cared about were Wendy and Unser.
One of the reasons I LOATHED Season 7 is because Unser's arc was so bad that it was almost insulting to the audience - like he became this bumbling idiot who couldn't solve one dang case. And Wendy's arc never really made sense as her character was such a non-factor but for her to come back - 9 days sober - and stand around like a glorified babysitter while being handed Jax and Tara's sons and an escape out of Charming on a silver platter BY Jax and Nero (and never actually doing anything herself to earn it) made me irrationally mad. Those two characters should have just been included in one of the many shoot outs in Season 6 and 7 because their scenes were pointless and added to the bloat of the final season.
Andy4444 Justified has likeable characters that stay likeable, even the villains.
I agreed. It is fun to watch these people talking and talking with each other . Many scenes are scary though and I fast forward. I don't watch SOA btw.
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Justified. If it came down me me having to shoot myself in the leg or say that I liked SOA better, I'd take that bullet. SOA betrayed itself. The gang ended up being Jesus and his disciples. It went down fast. Last season was beyond disappointing. But that's just how I feel anyways.