White men on here are upset about this movie
Typical snowflakes
shareWhite man here, I wasn't upset at all. I enjoyed it a lot. Impressive movie for a first time director, definitely interesting to see what she directs next.
8/10 for Blink Twice
Why would we be upset? We're white 🤣
shareBecause the snowflakes on here get upset at any movie that has a bad guy who is white.
shareThink about how many things the other side gets upset/offended about. Doesn't even come close.
shareCare to name one? But here's the stipulation that'll get you -- one that doesn't warrant anger/offense.
Pretty much 100% of the countless shit soft white boomer/wannabe-boomer uptight snowflakes cry about nonstop, e.g., "WaH!!! aLl bAd gUyS ArE WhItE MeN NoWaDaYs, EvErYtHiNg's wOoOoOkE!!!!", is them just being pussies who get triggered by all change that happens in their fragile little existence.
Shit the "other side" gets upset/offended about... not so much.
why would white guys get upset at bad white guys
shareNot a white man but what a ridiculous post. Men in general are used to keeping people (women specifically) below them; for one. Doesn't matter what Race they are. Secondly, They all are used to being revered, admired, and in charge. Nobody likes to be portrayed as a horrible person. But humans suck and here we are.
shareWell, the real-life inspiration for this movie - P Diddy - is black.
shareI liked it.
Sounds like you're a racist StealthCrasher.
I’m not upset they had a white man as the “villain.”
I’m upset he was wasting his time with those fugly chicks.
BTW I didn’t watch this crap.
I just saw the trailer.
How do you know someone’s race and gender? The posters who complain might not be white males. I’m a white man and this is one of my favourite movies of the year.