Murphy was miscast

He was written as an unfunny, one dimensional racist.
Why cast a funny man who usually has a joke ready?
It did not even work as a "cast against expectations" idea.

Lots of better actors for his role.
Or, better choice: make his character at least ironic, if not openly funny.


Tell us more about your confusion as to what "acting" is. And how you've never heard of Robin Williams, or Jim Carrey, or Steve Martin, or Richard Pryor.
Or anyone else who can. . .you know. . .ACT. Differently from how they are in real life. Or what you *imagine* they're like.


What a moronic reply.
Not only I wrote in the op about what you said, and said that it dd not even work as that.
But, are you this stupid to think that having an actor act against his typical casting is such a secret, innovative idea in 2023 that you have to explain it to others?
What are you 12? Have you seen more than 100 movies in your life?
Way to show off your idiocy. Idiot.


Sorry, I don't speak Room-Temperature-IQ. I'm sure you're trying to say *something,* disjointed tho it may be. Good luck to you.


Ah ok, so you are an idiot AND a troll. Gotcha.


Nah, you're wrong on this one Heisenberg, you obviously have no clue what you are talking about. Eddie Murphy was the only one that was cast perfectly for the role. He played the part perfectly despite the rest of the movie being kind of crap. And the fact that you jump to name-calling to that other poster shows what you pathetic troll you are. Quite obvious actually...


I did not jump to name-calling anybody.
HE did, so I just responded. Read the thread it is not too hard.

Now YOU are jumping to name-callin me.
And I will reply to you, you limey sock account, by pointing out that you said nothing other than troll my thread again, goliard you useless troll.


Wow, you’ve got major issues. Also, I’m not English so I can’t be a limey. How about you grow up, you fucking idiot…


Yes, that is a balanced, mature and intelligent reply....

I am just fending off against the various shitty little trolls on this thread, nothing major at all.
Now that I cleared that up for you, fuck back to your cave.


The only troll here is you dumbshit. From your initial post, to all of your replies. How pathetic that this is how you spend your life instead of being productive...


Are you still alive?
You must have been busy on your real account.
I thought you fucked back to your cave 5 days ago like I told you, troll.


Thanks for proving my point... nothing to back up your arguments, just a pathetic troll with no life coming back with nothing but really lame insults.


A month later.....and the fucking troll comes back from under his rock to say nothing at all. And then, being a shitty troll, just acuses me of doing EXACTLY what he just has done.

I am starting to think that you just want to bump my op now and then because you like it.


The only troll here is you, from your insulting replies to others to your lame attempt at explaining why Murphy was miscast. Either way, it’s boring, you’re too obvious, and you are completely pathetic if this is all you can do in life. You can fuck right off now.


Hey, that was quick for you, only 24 hours, how come you didn't wait your usual month to bump my thread again with your trolling post that does NOTHING else?

See ya in a month to bump it again when you get out of your cave, troll.


You're fucking pathetic. Do you see what you are doing? Just like a fucking grade school bully. Your very first response to Goliard calling you out was to insult them by calling them stupid and moronic because your fragile ego can't take critisicm (or more than likely, you are just trolling... and poorly I might add.) You must have the most sad, pathetic life. Seriously, look in the mirror and ask yourself, is this all that you are good for is to bully and troll people. Fucking low life scum. My only respoinse to you from now on is to call you out as being an obvious troll until I get bored with it.


Once again, obvious troll is obvious.


Oh my god, you've just peaked in patheticness! Can't even come up with a better comeback than using mine! lol. Ask your mommy to hug you, you obviously need it...


Once again, obvious troll is obvious.


*yawn* reread this whole thread and how you were the one that started with the insults... and now you are so pathetic, you've got nothing left. Really boring, but since you are so desperate to win an online troll-fest, keep going...


Yup this Blackbeard guy is trolling VERY hard. the problem is he is very bad at it.


Wow, what a pathetic life you must have that you are now stalking me on other threads... no, people like YOU are the pathetic trolls, and I'm simply calling you all out. It's always the misogynistic incels like you that have no life and make the lamest effort in trolling. As I said in the other thread, get a fucking life!


you have been exposed fuckbeard now go back in your basement.


Exposed at hunting trolls like you and the OP of this thread. I usually only respond to people that make asinine or misogynistic posts/comments, and usually the majority of the people also call these same people out, like in this thread, and your own thread. That means YOU are the troll that has been exposed, and again, how pathetic that you re following me around now on other threads. Let me guess, you still live at your Mom's house. Does she have to work an extra job to support you both (since you are obviously not working at all.) Again, you're pathetic as fuck.


Please ignore fuckbeard he is a russian trollbot. Super sad.


The only one sad and pathetic here is you… and you keep mentioning “Russian Troll bot” I’m beginning to think you really are the Russian Troll (though not a bot, you obviously don’t understand how bots work you moron.) Either way, you’re fucking boring, get a life.


Just ignore Fuckbeard. Its just a bot to spread misinformation. Super sad.


Pathetic and lazy attempt asshole. But you want to paly these games, bring it on fuckhead...Just ignore einstein. Its just a bot to spread misinformation. Super sad.


your ENTIRE account consists of replies to me. anyone can look that up! you are literally mentally ill.


This latest reply of yours shows how inept and low IQ you are. How can my entire account be replies to you when earlier you accused me of only trolling other people? Anyone who looks through my account will see, I've commented on many other people, usually trolls that I am calling out, but sometimes not. You are so completely lame and mentally ill, YOU need to finally give up. I tried to give you an out, but you didn't take it... and so we continue on... it's all up to you to end this, you are no match for me AT ALL. GIVE IT UP YOU FUCKING LOW IQ TROLL!


You need therapy .I CANT HELP YOU FUCKB EARD:good luck!


And you obviously need a lobotomy, or at the very least, to move out of your Mommy's basement and grow the fuck up. Nobody can help you with that but yourself.


go to bed fuckbeard


That's it, that's your only comeback? Like I said, you've got a very low IQ and you're out of your league. Also, it's still early here in Los Angeles, I think you are the one that needs to go to bed now. Ask your Mommy for warm milk, it may help calm you down and stop all of this trolling nonsense.


You are at a point where you just keep repeating what i said earlier lol. You are so dumb, its actually starting to get funny Fuckbeard!


Nope. You're an idiot einstein. Anyone can go through my entire post history for years and see that you are NOT the only one I reply to, but since you won't let it go, yes, you are the one I am replying to the most because you are a piece of shit of a human being. You're a misogynistic lame incel of a troll with no life, with a low IQ and no originality... the fact that you've recently created two posts (at least) whining about "Put a chick in it" shows what a piece of shit you are, and I (and others) called you out on it. And you can't handle it, so you keep coming back with the most childish and inept replies. And so it will keep going until YOU stop. You dumbfuck.


this thread is getting a bit long fuckbeard. lets just say youre rtearded and leave it as it is. good night my retarded friend.


Fuck you. How about we say YOU'RE a complete misogynistic imbecile moron and this can all end if you just stop already with your bullshit, you complete and total fuck.


Relax fuckbeard you are making a fool out of yourself at this point!


Once again, looks who's talking, the grand fool himself, the one who started this whole thing with his shit-posting. But I'll stop if you will.


I didnt start this Blackbeard. But yes lets stop its getting silly, wishing you a great evening! See you around!


I thought the same. Bernie Mac in Guess Who did it so much better.


Yes, Mac kept his ironic humor and attitude, so it worked for him.


I found Eddie Murphy to be the highlight of this movie. Some of the best dramatic actors are comedians so it was good to see him doing a more serious role.
