Couldnt understand a word they were saying.
Were they speaking english? The aliens were more refined than this lot? Is england that bad?
shareWere they speaking english? The aliens were more refined than this lot? Is england that bad?
shareThere was some slang that I didn't recognize but other than that it was easy to understand. Just be glad it wasn't Cockney; they subtitle Cockney shows in England because the rest of the country can't understand it either.
shareHey, I love the Cockney accent---always thought it was kind of cool and fun to listen to!
I had no problem understanding them, but after some 30 minutes, I wanted to rip their tongues for saying 'Bruv' every five minutes.
shareSome real idiots on here.
shareSadly I understood everything they were saying, which made me switch the film off after 30 minutes. Cannot stand that forced east London Chavy vernacular. Grew up with some wannabe gangsters who started copying all that rubbish after listening to too much Radio1xtra and seeing one too many Noel Clarke films. Your parents don't speak like that and their parents didn't speak like that either. Thankfully most of the hoodlums I knew grew out of that little phase. This country gave the world the English language and it makes me physically cringe whenever I hear someone making an effort to speak that way.
shareYeah, they should have had these messed-up council flat teens speaking RP or dubbed in an American accent.