Terrible Movie

Saw a screening of this a few weeks ago in Chicago and we walked out halfway through it.


I think it's one of those movies where the humor is based so much on the characters that if you don't get the characters, you won't get the humor. I know that doesn't make very much sense, much I guess what I'm saying is it's not the sort of movie like The Hangover where there are big set pieces and outrageous moments of humor, except for in the sort of out of place party scene near the end. The humor is more rooted in who the characters are, you're supposed to laugh at the characters, not really what they're saying. Like in the beginning when Tim can't figure out how to use the hotel room key, or when he says, "It smells like chlorine, like I'm in Barbados or something."


OP doesn't know what funny is. this is great.


I actually found myself laughing out loud during much of the movie, and I don't seem to do that very often. If anything, you should see this movie just for John C. Reilly, he is absolutely hilarious.

I'm not a huge fan of Ed Helms, and IMO The Office continues to get worse every episode, so I wasn't expecting big things from this guy. Having said that, he played his character perfectly, so it ended up being a pleasant surprise.

I can understand how some viewers may not appreciate this type of premise and brand of comedy, but for me this was a refreshing change of scenery.

I'm not sure if this was specifically mentioned on this thread, but quit trying to compare this movie with The Hangover. People are always trying to compare two different movies just because they share an actor.

"Forget it, Jake. It's Chinatown."





Not surprised.

Can you fly this plane?
Surely you can't be serious.
I am serious,and don't call me Shirley


The chick was hot and the humor was so bad it was just funny.

i think my mask of sanity is impending slippage


Thanks for the halfway-movie review! You have a halfway valid opinion.


i downloaded it the other day and turned it off at the pool scene. i can't get married, but everyone else can get married and cheat. people need to stop making movies that have no morals. i wish i'd known that before i sat watching this garbage for 40 minutes or whatever.


You turned it off because you were mad that Anne Heche's character cheated on her husband? That seems like a pretty weird reason to stop watching a film.


Um, it's Rated R.
