Queen Charlotte wasn't actually black though
Maybe I'm out of the loop, but is this supposed to be a story about a "black" Queen Charlotte, wife of George III? If so, she would likely not have been "black" whatsoever, and it's even more likely that she did not look "black" whatsoever. Here are the facts:
- Charlotte (1744-1818) traces her lineage to Madragana, the mistress to King Alfonso III of Portugal, some 500 years earlier
- Madragana (born 1230) had an unclear ethnicity, and may have been a Moor, but likely Mozarab (Christian descendants living under Islamic rule in Spain)
- If Madragana had African ancestry, it seems likely that this would have been North African (e.g. Berber, etc.) and not Sub-Saharan African
- There were 15 generations between Madragana and Charlotte. Even if Madragana was fully African (which seems quite far from reality to begin with), then by the time of Charlotte, Madragana's blood would have provided something like 1/60th the genetic makeup to Charlotte
So not only was there likely no Sub-Saharan African blood in Charlotte's ancestry, but even if there was it would be so diluted by the time of Charlotte that it probably could not have been detected anyway.