button purpose
what is the purpose of the button at the end?
wikipedia describe the ending as:
He remembers Lara saying a button popped off as she was leaving, and notices that it is raining just as it had been the night of the murder. He tosses a piece of paper in the current where the button would've fallen off, and finds it leads into a gutter. He searches the gutter but is unable to find the button. "You really thought you were gonna find it?" his assistant asks. But it turns out the button was there, buried under grime and dust, and the detectives miss it by seconds.
when the detective is not able to find the button so how that proves that she was innocent?
whats the button purpose?
whose button was that lARA or KILLER?
i didnt understand the button theory
at the mid of the movie john was reading something and thinks that lara picks fire extinguisher and hit in her boss head.
wat was that?