Know this for a fact....i´m venezuelan, I don´t know if Russel Crowe made a little research before buying those tickets, ...but Caracas is one of the most dangerous cities in the whole that bad, that a person gets killed every 15 minutes, just by robbing you a phone....and it doesnt really matter whether you resist the robbery or not...they kill you anyway...and do you know whats funny, the venezuelan people from caracas are very arrogants, because they think they are better than the rest of the venzuelans..What is true, is that he based his actions in the matter that Venezuela has Strong Issues with USA, all due to our President Chavez....a really intelligent guy by the way (i´m being sarcastic)
Caracas is 70% a horrible place, crowded by the so familiar "BARRIOS DE CARACAS", i suggest you search the meaning on google, and 30% a not that bad place...
I saw on the website, that the filming location were actually in COLOMBIA...i dont blame the Director for not wanting to do a 60 second scene in Caracas City.
Personally I don't think any American would ever go live in Haiti, even if they're fleeing the law. When they said "they're going to Haiti" I was like "um no they're not" and of course I was right
Haiti is a country of great wealth, as well as great poverty - which means they would live relatively luxurious lives without having to work for it, at least not for several years. Besides, they would have the ability to buy off police and tax authorities etc. who could compromise their identities and way of life. Not to mention that warm Caribbean climate.
I wouldn't ever want to live in Haiti for a couple of good reasons.
- High poverty rate means high crime rate. I'd rather not have to worry about leaving my house for fear of my life.
- Infectious diseases are more common there.
- No building codes - one of the reasons the earthquake was so damaging.
- Boredom. Even without any of the other reasons, I would be extremely bored there (as would most people born and raised in the US and accustomed to living here).
I've been to Haiti. Incredible poverty, and when you walk through the street and they see you're a gringo, they are all over you, wanting to sell you trinkets and stuff. I imagine crime is a problem, but I wasn't there very long so I don't know. I am moving to a third world country in three years, but it would never be Haiti.
I must admit that Aisha Hinds,although quite lovely,was wrong for the part of Det.Collero and Pittsburgh is one large city that has zero Latino presence anywhere.They are too intelligent to put up with total cloud cover all four seasons and 50 clear days a year....just dreadful.
Yes, that is correct! The idea was to go somewhere low profile and also to be fast reachable (only few hours by plain).
This movie is one of the few I really LOVE! It's a fantastic acting, it's a fantastic story line and superb directed. I waited 6 month asking every week to a local movies seller if was out and if not, when will be out to buy this movie. My note was 10 only for a beautiful combination between Russell Crowe & Elizabeth Banks. This movie was the fifth I gave such a note, the previous being: The Godfather (Marlon Brando), Matrix and Must love dogs and finally AVATAR.
Ok you lost me at Avatar. Take away the CGI and look at the story, it is terribly generic. Not to mention the acting at times was painful to watch. But the 3D and visuals were stunning though, but overall not a movie that comes even close to perfect - which 10 would mean it is. Maybe a 7-7.5 and on a good day a weak 8.
I guess this can prompt us to start our own "Plan B" lists of cities, in case we ever have to disappear in a hurry.
I'd like to live in Italy or the U.K. or Amsterdam, if I had to. But you'd also want to pick someplace cheap, since there's a chance you'd never qualify to get a regular job again...
I'd like to live in Italy or the U.K. or Amsterdam, if I had to.
Except each of those places has strong international ties to the US and is policed across each of their borders by Interpol who get all law enforcement bulletins posted in the US. As soon as you arrived in any city in those countries your days would be numbered, you'd be lucky to have a couple of weeks until you were caught. If you're going to go to Europe then at least head to somewhere in the eastern European zone. You'd have a better chance.
--- The internet has the ability to turn sane people into ranting fools!
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Any city in Nicaragua except Managua but even that would be acceptable.
If you don't intend on learning Spanish then any City in Costa Rica or Panama. Ah, sweet, sweet Panama City! These destinations are also closer than anything in Venezuela.
I don't know about extradition but with Panama's and Nicaragua's *ahem* "past experiences" with the United States I'd be surprised if they had any extradition or, if they did, that they would take it seriously.
That is a posibility.....but they don´t have too many options in Venezuela, the whole country is currupted, and the insicurity is in its highest level, because the goverment has not been abele to control it. People get killed, raped, kiddnaped and the list go on....Do you want to know one of the laws we have here, there is a law, that when any person comits a brutal crime, and they are caught, they dont show the criminal face in the newspaper or the news, so you just can pass by them on the street when they released them 3 DAYS AFTER, thats why insecurity has come to this in this country, because criminal are not afraid of the justice system. You have to come to see it with your own eyes, and that is everywhere around here in any state.
Russel did what he did, becauses Venezuela has no extradition politics to the USA, but Colombian does, so i guess russel wont go there. Or brazil, or any other counry near, because i think they all have extradition politics except Venezuela, because it is a completly caos here.
Other thing i noticed in the threads, it´s that people keep saying that Venezuela is a DEVELOPED country, i dont know if they teach that at foreing schools, but, well my friends, you are wrong, Venezuela is and has always been a SUBDEVELOPED country. They teach that in every elementary school around here. Venezuelan History Class.
Venezuela and the U S have had an Extradition Treaty since 1922. However, it's unlikely Chavez would send Crowe's character back to the U S since the U S has refused to send back to Venezuela the CIA operative trained in explosives, Luis Posada Carriles, to stand trial for blowing up a Cuban airliner in 1976. Carriles currently lives openly in Florida.
Chavez doesnt give a great deal of importance to Carriles Case, he focuses his hate towards USA in the fact, that USA is against comunism and socialism, which is a good thing by the way, and to the fact that the USA responds to any international conflict which might be related to terrorism actions, like the terrorits group called FARC in Colombia, It was demostrated by the CIA, when they killed Reyes, that the FARC had relations with the Venezuelan Goverment, thing that pissed Chavez off, because one of his dirty secrets was uncovered once again. Chavez always refered to Bush, in national venezuelan tv conferences as MR DANGER. And he nowadays constantly attacks verbaly to Obamah in every National Conference.
Our goverment only supports socialist and comunist actions....and it is against everything that might refuse those factors.
Our goverment would have NEVER send back russel's character to USA, even if he would have been charged of killing a million of inoccent people.
Give this a thought, Our goverment is the only one who defends Gadaffi actions in Libia....what an abomination....
What did Gadaffi do in Lybia? He tried to extricate the African countries from the grasp of the US by implementing a new gold backed currency for Africa and to sell his oil only against that gold backed currency. You need to read more than just what you get in mainstream media before you can hope to understand what's going on in the world.
The guy was nutter, he did bomb a nightclub in scotland (which is retarded under any circumstance). Though false allegation of mass raping by his troops are mostly *beep* He wasn't the worst leader in Africa, at least he did front the bulk of the money for satelite for cell phones for Africa, before they had to borrow EU's satelite which was costing each country 500 million a year. So he did a great part to increase the African infrastructure, can't say that for the west who sells land blocs to mining companies and oiling industries so they can rape the country and leave. Though Gadaffi was corrupt no doubt about that.
the Lockerbie bombing - don't take that at face value. there is quite a lot on the net from insiders to say this was a cia deal gone awry. they had to find somebody to blame it on so they chose him....
My wife is Venezuelan and I have been to Caracas, Las Roques and the Island of Margarita about 6 years ago and things weren't that bad. I found a lot of Venezuela to be well developed with lasish shopping mals like Sambill where you find many of the major American franchises from Pizza Hut to Tony Roma's etc And the islands are awesome and would blow the Bahamas away. There were plenty of tourists, mostly from Europe. If things have gotten worse now, it is not so much despite the government, but BECAUSE OF the government. Chavez and his supporters are repsonisble for a lot the violence and money squandering and intimidation of the opposition. He's got prisoners on his payroll that he let out of jail to do his dirty work.
Who cares what games we choose, little to win and nothing to lose..
My friend...i am from margarita, margarita and los roques are like Malibu in the USA. I recomend you to stop by this places when you come to caracas, venezuela next time: PETARE, CATIA, SAN ANGUSTIN, CAMPO RICO, CASALTA AND THE LIST GON ON.....EVEN DOWNTOWN....COME ON MAN, SAMBIL AND LOS ROQUES....
I know about Catia and 23 de Enero etc. My wife lived in La Candalaria. I've been downtown and it wasn't that bad but this many years ago. If Chavez is ruining everything why doesn't someone put a bullet in his head??
Who cares what games we choose, little to win and nothing to lose..
The thing is you only hear the rich complaining about Venezuela because they lost their perks.... The poor in Venezuela are much better off but of course you won't get them posting on imdb..
i would think the corruption would be what crowe was LOOKING for. if they aren't corrupt, how is he going to bribe folks for the things he needs to invent a clean history for himself, his wife, and their son. without a corrupt government, he wouldn't be able to begin again. also, non extradition status is always usefull for folks who have just committed a crime with no statue of limitations in the USA. 50 years from now, if caught, he and his wife would go to prison in the USA.
corruption and high violent crime rate are two things. sure they need corruption to start a new life. but a street mugger/human trafficker/rapist can easily destroy what little they have left.
i would choose hongkong. the city is mostly under the control of triads, who's mainly focusing on high end organized crime and trying to keep the street as clean as possible. perfect for a situation like this.
I'm just speculating but even though Caracas is a rough city there has got to be a few areas that are safe. Even the worst places have a couple calm spots. I admit that I don't really know *beep* about Venezuela. And I don't think Russell Crow cared about the crime rate of the city. The destination was just more of a place to go without being arrested. He could always go to a safer place later on.
It does help the poor though. Venezuela is the only supplier of heating oil for the poor in the US. Joe Kennedy appealed to all oil companies and only Venezuela responded. For a superpower like the US to not take care of it's own poor and a "subdeveloped" country like Venezuela to do so speaks odes...
I don't think Russell Crowe's character has intentions of getting his d1ck suck by Russians otherwise he would've gone to Russia by himself instead of doing what he did.
Every 15 minutes? That's 35,000 people per year. In one city?! How many of those are women? And how hot are those surviving women? I'm starting to like those odds.
Yeah dude, as unbelievable as it sounds, it is true, i recomend you to take a look at local newspapers in caracas City...Monday edition i recomend. One of the headlines usually says: 23 people killed in caracas along this weekend.....that´s a fact. The people from the Barrios, are mean cold blood bastards. There are good people who lives in those places too, but 70% are thugs. I visit caracas this last september, i can tell you this...i was really scared.The only good safe place is Chacao, the rest is the dead zone.
Just for the (old now) Americans, who remember 1974 (?) Print+Radio Ads for "SNUFF"... "The Film that could only be made in South America...Where Life is Cheap!" Sorry to hear about Caracas - News blackout in US unless Chavez really insults --- I remember a friend from the 70's - Long Island Boy Scout no less, at VZ museum field trip, saw perp mowed down by Security w/automatic riflefire - said he thought it seemed like Israel!
Well, Venezuela is going down the drain and you don't like it, fair enough. But what's your point? Don't you get that this is at max a reason why Venezuela is a good place to hide for a prison escapee? It's not like you can choose the coolest place on earth and enjoy social security in Stockholm or drinks on Australian beaches. If you're an internationally wanted criminal you have to cut back your expectations a bit. And suddenly Venezuela doesn't look that bad anymore, particularly if options like Haiti or Yemen are on the table. Furthermore, as others mentioned, it's not like they have to live in downtown Caracas in the worst possible neighbourhood. As you know yourself, it's not a small country, so you can find decent places as well..or if it gets too annoying still sneak over to Brazil. So the whole thing makes perfect sense..
PS: And as much as I know that a lot of stuff is going wrong in Venezuela, believe me, you can do still much worse in every aspect. So stop crying a river in the size of Orinoco here..
Are you from pasadena my friend...or malibu? A thug from Harlem, is a little kid compare to what you see here. Watch this venezuelan flick "SECUESTRO EXPRESS" and you´ll get the point. Come to live here a see what im talking about, every place is different, so dont compare haiti or yemen with venezuela, they are different places. So stop talking about moving to another city once you get to caracas, because is the same around here, is not just caracas. So please my is like you said. you´ve got the whole world out there....there are better choises.
Well, to turn around the question then: Where else would you exactly go if you were in John Brennans shoes? Furthermore, I thought it's about comparing options, how else would you determine where do you want to go? And when it comes to that countries like Yemen or Haiti are definitely worse choices than Venezuela for several reasons. And again, we are not talking about luxurious holidays or anything, we are talking about wanted criminals with a very limited amount of possibilities, so you can debate it as you want, but it'd be actually hard to find a better option for this first getaway location, particularly coming from the US.