MovieChat Forums > Undercover Boss (2010) Discussion > A new low - Bikini's CEO Doug Guller

A new low - Bikini's CEO Doug Guller

The perve-y CEO Doug Guller helped create some new lows.

- The degenerate CEO Doug Guller fires the only employee with an ounce of self-respect for not being "passionate" about a position that involves being constantly demeaned and objectified and working for a sleazy company that doesn't even have health coverage or follow minimal work standards.

- The dooshbag CEO Doug Guller takes credit for some of the lamest and most derivative training acronyms since "Office Space".

- The duplicitious CEO Doug Guller even reduces his future wife to a lame acronym "FMG" apparently stands for "Future Mrs Guller". Somehow the female population of earth has so far resisted his "charm".

- The cheeseball CEO Doug Guller thinks his greasepot menu is fine cuisine and that an order of 10 wings is a busy kitchen.

- The moronic CEO Doug Guller's biggest idea is using social media to recruit employees, failing to realize every other company thought of that 10 years ago.

- The oblivious CEO Doug Guller thinking $25 million annual revenue is somehow large for a restaurant chain.

- The knuckle-dragging CEO Doug Guller thinking he's a hero for one-offing a manager's health insurance when all but the most bottom feeding companies in America already provide coverage.

- The sexually-repressed CEO Doug Guller extorting 6 months of job performance from a perfectly healthy body girl in exchange for a boob job.

- The socially-inept CEO Doug Guller offending customers with his awkward and insulting remarks - like how working people coming for lunch must just be "starting their day".

- The creeptastic CEO Doug Guller fawning over the idea of an employee using a hula hoop.



post of the year. This perfectly describes this breastauranteur douchebag of a CEO. I found the bartender to be the one that he should have kept. Even though she wanted a better job she was honest and up front about it, he should have respected that. She was cheerful and pleasant to customers and had self respect of not wanting her chest on camera for the world to see. I think his ego was hurt when she wasn't grovelling to him that this was the best job in the world and that she wanted to work there until she was 75. Hell the job she had prior (finance or administrative?) was well above bartending, so he should have felt honored to have such an over qualified employee working for him. The insult was after firing her on national television, he acts likes he's doing her a solid by shopping her resume around to "people he knows in the business". Her response was spot on about how ludicrous that was by having the guy that just fired you, passing her resume around. She was like thanks, but no thanks a$$hole...


No threat of me ever eating at this place, be afraid to catch something he has. Just nasty

Malo Periculosam Libertatem Quam Quietum Servitium


SO glad to see you posted this comment. This guy is a an arrogant douchebag and did little if anything to improve his reputation or business by appearing on this show.

Adding to the list of new lows. . .

Though he told us about locations with people in "lines around the building waiting to get in" none of his "breastaurants" were even mildly busy during the show.

Every single employee mentioned in some capacity that they felt unsupported and disrespected by management. Hell, two random employees left mid-shift and one main one admitted to being fired and coming back multiple times.

Also, did anyone notice that much of the "rewarding" he did at the end was premised by the employee stroking his ego by spewing his company's lame corporate slogans back at him (eg "we eat with out eyes" or "the ABC's of bikinis".

The rewards he gave out were superficial - if one woman performs "like a rockstar" for 6 months he'll pay for her "new boobies" (which is intended to help his business on both accounts). And even the health insurance he gave to the manager was to improve the appearance of her kid.

The other rewards were back peddling to make up for his company's lack of basic staff support(emotional or financial)that should have been in place to begin with. The supervisor who handled the problem of "inconsistencies" in the kitchen (another way of saying one guy has to do everything from dishes to cooking/prepping meals) gets a raise and back pay for a raise he should have gotten when he got a promotion in the first place. What about all the others who get a promotion? Are they going to have to wait for douchebag CEO to have them on another ep of the show before they too get the pay increase they deserve?

And the female manager he's so impressed with for hiring girls on FB, (because apparently they aren't getting/keeping enough applicants) just now gets health insurance (not dental though, he addresses that by saying he's going to hook her up with a good dentist).

I don't even know what to say about the "Bikini Babe" he fired on camera. She was on top of her job, instructed him well. The issue with the possibly over-served guy, might have deserved addressing, but he was walking home so there was no major problem there. Plus, isn't her lack of knowledge on how to respond to or handle an inebriated or near inebriated patron something management should have better trained her about!? Furthermore, she said she lost her previous (high paying professional) job and took this one the next day to help out a friend. It only makes sense that this is a filler job until she can get back to a professionally paying position. Why not offer her an opportunity to fill such a role in his company or offer to help her network if she trained a new person for her current one. . . .I guess that kind of respect and common courtesy doesn't create enough drama for the cameras, in the same way one woman not wearing a bikini behind the bar hurts business.

Lastly, yeah, the disguises on this show are horribly fake. You could see he had a poor, at best, wig on from a mile away. Anyone with a brain and a tv or internet connection should be able to guess they are on this show from a mile away.


I was so appalled and disgusted by this "man". It is clear he views women as nothing but sex objects. I really hope one of his waitresses sues him for the right to wear a t-shirt at work. I admit I also spent a huge chunk of the show wondering what would happen if one of his waitresses put on some weight or got pregnant or had emergency surgery that left them with scars, would this asshat just fire the women? If so. he opening himself up to lawsuits galore.

Freedom of religion means ALL religions not just your own.


My extremely attractive and shapely young niece works (worked, I guess) at Hooters. She made an absolute metric TON of money there. And all of the girls who worked there knew what the score was... nobody was forcing them to wear skimpy outfits or fawn over the male patrons. But the skimpier the outfit and the more fawning, the bigger the tips.

Good for her (and them) I say. Use it before you lose it.


I have to agree with everything you say. Hopefully his bid for attention on this show backfires and his chain of "breastaurants" goes bust. He is the most disgusting individual that has been on this show by far. There is no way that I would ever patronize one of these places. Would it really be so bad to lose your job working there?


his chain of "breastaurants" goes bust.

Pun intended?


I LOL'd so hard!


No, that term has long been used in reference to various more famous but similar boob themed restaurants. Naturally the ego minded CEO of Bikinis is trying to claim he made it up


This Episode has been the worst one I have watched.
The man is a huge CNUT.
He's a sleeze.



