MovieChat Forums > The Way (2010) Discussion > The Music Ruined This Movie

The Music Ruined This Movie

The cinematography was also lackluster. But the landscapes and Martin Sheen were great. But come on—The Shins? This isn't Garden State.

Ultimately, there was way too much music in this film. It was a beautiful trail, they did not need to rely on music to carry the film.


I agree


I can understand where you are coming from. This has happened to me before with other movies (eg 500 days of summer) I particularly loath waht I call hipster folksy music.

For some reason though, the music for this movie really worked for me. Even when they broke out vintage Alanis Morissette (I was like wth? - lol). Don't know if it was that the movie was powerful enough to cancel out the music or if the music really complemented the movie in an adequate way. I'm trying not to over analyze cause I really enjoyed this movie:)


i dont agree, i think the music is the lightspot of moive.
"Thank U" "Santiago de Compostela " "The Journey Is the Destination " "Muxia - A True Pilgrim " are very amazing. I love the soundtrack


I wouldn't go so far to say that the music ruined the movie, but the choices did seem ill-fitted to the film. I found myself clicking fast forward to get past a few of the songs.


Some odd song choices granted but nowhere near annoying or misplaced enough to "ruin the movie." The only thing I might say is the James Taylor stuff is a bit overused in films/TV but it fit well in the context of this film. The Nick Drake 'Pink Moon' song I just think is a bit overrated and just makes me think of Volkswagen. I normally find Alanis grating as hell but surprisingly it fit for me and I kind of like the song now only because of this film. The rest of the score was brilliant.

The movie was wonderful and I don't think any song could ruin it for me.


I am changing channels right now, because not only is the music Waaaay too loud, but it sucks as well.

Too bad.


Didn't know that music was the same thing as movie.
Movie defined by music, gotcha.


I liked the music. I did notice there was a lot of it. Yes, it certainly wasn't New Jersey.
