MovieChat Forums > The American (2010) Discussion > 500 Things I Learned from The American

500 Things I Learned from The American

1) Don't call the police for help.

Kansas Critic, My Video & Written Reviews:


2) Clooney is not as young as he was 15-25 years ago.


3) The most beautiful women in that Italian village are the hookers.


They can mail you a rifle by mail in a package, but they cant include a silencer to go with it.


Having the high ground and an automatic rifle are no match for someone in an exposed position with a handgun.

You can get from Sweden to Rome via train.

(I love the warm wine= blown cover one.)

Jack doesn't drive a Fiat, Puegeot, Renault, Citroen, Saab, Volvo, BMW, Mercedes, or Audi. Maybe, it's a Swiss car.


"You can get from Sweden to Rome via train. "

Uh, yes you can. Heard about bridges?

"Love keeps her in the air when she oughta fall down. Makes her home."


You obviously haven't been to Europe, because you can travel pretty much everywhere by train. You can even *gasp* go from France to the UK (imagine that).


Jack drives a quite old (you can see it from the plate) Fiat Tempra.
And yes you can go from Sweden to Rome by train with the Helsingorg-Helsinborg ferry.
Let your money work for you on the financial markets.


The train that Jack got off in Rome was from Munich. So he switched trains somewhere.


Yeah, that one got away from me.
The Fiat is a perfect match for Chrysler.
There is no signature look for a Fiat. No "double bump" hood. Chrysler's "waterfall" grill comes and goes.
No uniform emblem, either.
A BMW is a BMW. You can spot the split grill (or it's emblem) a mile away.


"And yes you can go from Sweden to Rome by train with the Helsingorg-Helsinborg ferry."

Or you know, take the bridge between Malmö and Copenhagen...

"Love keeps her in the air when she oughta fall down. Makes her home."


3) be careful in the water, you may stub your toe on a bullet


wen you touch dead bodies you don't leave finger prints,and cops don't check finger prints


I think in his profession (killing people) the police are NEVER who you call. And you don't plan to hang around for too long after "the job" is done.

Lynch all trolls.


I was talking about what happened to the woman when Clooney told her to call the police.

6) Fix your moped before someone shoots you.

Kansas Critic, My Video & Written Reviews:



It was a Vespa, not a moped (no peddling involved).

RIGOLETTO: I'm denied that common human right, to weep.


6) Fix your moped before someone shoots you.

I laughed too hard and everyone thought I was crying.


8) Italian rivers are cold.

Kansas Critic, My Video & Written Reviews:


9) If you look and *beep* like George Clooney, a beautiful Italian prostitute with perfect teeth and gorgeous hair will ask you out to dinner and not charge you for her time.


Assassins have no way to get guns except for from a 50 year old guy who makes them out of used car parts....

People equate lack of dialogue with "smartness"


11. It's easy to make a new gun with no tools.
12. OK, you get a hammer from the Car doctor. All it takes is 12 blows at noon to finish the gun.
13. More complex tools (drill of some sort) can be easily obtained in a small italian village, no questions asked.
14. Every italian speaks some english (except old ladies)
15. If you leave tons of fingerprints on a moped of a dead guy, nobody will look into that, just priest will tell you not to be a bad boy again


16-avoid long romantic walks in the snow.

I was thinking of the immortal words of Socrates, who said, "... I drank what?"


Rolling on the floor laughing!!!



1. If someone on the telephone says, "Stay where you are!" Get the beep outta there as fast as you can.
2. If a man is set up to flee with a beautiful woman he will be killed in the next scene.

I took the road less traveled by.

