Reminds me a lot of independence day. Whatever happening to not caring so much about science and how smart the aliens are, and just wanting to see them get blown up? I remember in ID people bitching about the aliens being dumb enough to leave a vulnerability like that in their ship when their capable of this and that, back then I just didn't care, cause it was a fun movie. Maybe i'm just easy to please, but it was a cool action movie on my book. Just don't over-think it..
I think it is vice versa. Where Independence day was a simple alien invasion movie (seen 500 times already), Battleship was all about a huge misunderstanding.
If companies and producers want to shell out a couple hundred million dollars to create movies with aliens, a big named actor or two, explosions, good cgi and special effects ... then who am I to complain? It's not my money. I simply watch the pretty pictures, hop on IMDB, rate the movie the usual 4,5,or 6, and then keep it movin. (I wait until the movie is available for free btw, they're not getting my cash for mediocre work)
Im watchin it for the 3rd time and I know it sucks lmao. I guess the thing about it for me is they made the battle scenes fun to watch. The main actor isnt very good. His voice is pretty annoying lol
Independence Day crept the aliens fight the navy instead of the Air Force. Only difference is no Will Smith. If you liked the former you will like this one. I liked it cause it was entertaining. Like movies that entertain as well as serious Oscar flicks.
If so many people can go in droves to pay a billion dollars seeing Transformers movie after Transformers movie, I don't see how those people were turned off by this thing...unless they are just hype lemmings who shun stuff the press bashes because it is trendy to do so just like they flock to stuff the press boosts. I only finally checked it out because I watch anything filmed in Hawaii, and I feel like a hypocrite bashing movies without seeing them, and I like checking out some visual effects eye candy on my HDTV. "Battleship" is actually more tolerable than the Transformers films because I'm not watching a perversion of classic characters.
I enjoyed it, first of all; it's superior in almost every way to, say, the Transformers. Battleship knows it takes place in a ridiculous reality much like our own, except one dripping with absurdity. A criminal delinquent makes ranking naval officer in a matter of years? Yet the Admiral and everyone else still berates him for being a total screwup? almost everything in the movie is stretched and pushed and magnified. But the movie has irony enough to plant a serious, honest personal story of two very different brothers at the heart of it. Their plot could transplant to a simple character piece set on a stage, because it strives to remain true to itself.
The rest of the movie remains true to itself too : a hyper-exaggerated spectacle of extreme effect and sensation. I find it strange and upsetting how many people still, to this day, with this much storytelling savvy bred into their genes, still judge a movie by their own pre-existing criteria instead of on its own merits. To call a movie like this flawed because the characters take more of a beating than humanly possible is to miss the point entirely, not to mention be now forced to openly despise James Bond, Indiana Jones, and basically all other action movies by extension.
I'm not saying Battleship isn't flawed, lord almighty no, it's got plenty of problems. The primary one is associating itself with the game Battleship on purpose. For two years before it was released, people primed themselves to hate it, and the movie's only got itself to blame. That hurt the box office dearly... yet I think those that of those who did give it a chance, most were then turned off right at the beginning of act 1.
Battleship starts with that honest (enough) family story I mentioned, the brothers. But it starts with an uncomfortable scene wherein one being is painted as a loser, a grown man with no job, no girl, no home, no life. It's pretty unflinching in drawing this embarrassing portrait of the hero. And it's there my theory rests.
Battleship's demographic, see, its target audience, is boys, many of them right around the age of the hero. Its demographic isn't concentrated on very many young executives, adults, or entrepeneurs of the year. It's looking at the scifi nerds, military buffs, comic book geeks, computer afficiandos... fans of special effects, simple plots, invading aliens, a girl with big jugs, kinetic hyperaction and things blowin up. These fans, when dispersed on the Bell curve, cluster in a concentration where the hero's characteristics, as laid out in the opening minutes, are well represented.
So imagine, you're one of these underachievers. You pay admission to a movie you've mocked for years and already heard might be bad, and are immediately assaulted with a harsh mirror of your meagreness existence... It was too much!
These are the same people who post their public opinions for all their ilk and kind to see, and those denizens of the e-world, presented with a flood of negative word from peers they trust, plus many alternative entertainments vying for their time, will naturally opt out of Battleship in droves. Yet the movie somehow thought it was wise to open with a big spotlight and a wagging finger, tut tut tut, at the very people it's asking for money!
Wow whole lotta nothin in that post. I did'nt mind battleship but to say its better than Transformers I don't think you understand what youre looking at when you watch a movie lol.
Agreed. The action was on point and the music was phenomenal. I don't really like these type of movies (i.e. Independence Day) but I thoroughly enjoyed this one.
LOL, that was pretty funny, but I really didn't go into this as a Star Trek fan. I wasn't ready to nitpick the technical specs of a warp drive. I was just looking for some action, maybe a story (or not), and a hot chick to look at. I got all of that.
Plus, I have a real problem with some nitpicking a movie when the titles to most of their videos are wrong. "Everything Wrong with Battleship in 6 minutes or Less." The video is 6:35.
This movie follows in the great tradition of being "chewing gum for the eyes". Sometimes, I don't want to engage much brain but simply sit back and be entertained. If I want to think about it, I'll watch "A Touch of Evil" instead. A movie like "Battleship" doesn't stand up to over much analysis - and nor should it have to. For what it is, it's a more than satisfactory product to satisfy my occasional simpler moments and I applaud it for being just that.
Exactly, I had a blast watching it too. It may lack on technicalities, but it makes up for it in style. This movie definitely has its strong points. I agree, it's often fun.