way too violent

The story was good and that's the only thing i would rate this movie for. The use of disgusting humor was cringe worthy and all that pornography and nude scenes felt unnecessary. I like marvel movies but i will not be able to like deadpool. I really wanted his tongue cut out or mouth sewed shut like in the wolverine origins movie. I still don't like the idea of an R rated superhero movie because of that kind of violence, bad language and unnecessary sex scenes and sure as hell don't want to see my favorite superheroes doing that.


I thought it was very refreshing to see graphic violence in a super hero film. The source material for Deadpool is graphically violent and very adult. Compared to other Marvel properties, that is.

If you didn't know this beforehand, I can understand where you're coming from. Either way, It was rated R for a reason. What did you expect?

I'm very glad that they didn't whitewash this and stayed true to how Deadpool is. Adult.

"I learned that in prison, you like? You white trash piece-a sh!t."


Yeah, I heard multiple reviews and comments from people who said they thought the trailers should have shown how ADULT it was going to be, they were shocked... what exactly do they think the rating system was born of? If you are concerned about the content of films you watch, pay attention and read the rating description. If you think to yourself, "Who reads the rating labels?", well it's there as a tool, but YOU need to use it. If you do not use it, theres not much else to say.

DEADPOOL was perfect deadpool content. And general audiences will be split because it wasn't re-shot, re-written and re-cut in an attempt to please those who have NO IDEA what Deadpool is. I can understand it not hitting the humor mark with everyone and the negative comments will always arrive... but anyone giving it [one star] because they thought it was too violent or mature themed... thats like giving [one star] to REQUIEM FOR A DREAM because it just... disturbed the hell out of you?

Think. Who is Deadpool? What's his world like? Dark worlds. Hard characters. Blood. Sex. Crime.

DEADPOOL(2016) is to the AMAZING SPIDERMAN(2012) as DREDD(2012) is to JUDGE DREDD(1995).
It is just plain right.

- Remember our opinions on films and actors are completely useless and without value. We're human. THE END.
