But the comic is completely different
Do you guys watch movies because you don't know how to read? Why did this movie hit it big when it's so different and way worse than the source material?
shareDo you guys watch movies because you don't know how to read? Why did this movie hit it big when it's so different and way worse than the source material?
I came to this movie a little green and thought it was mostly good ...
I haven't read any of these comics - nor have I kept up with all these related movies & different producers stories - man ' it's ALL screwed up so ...
What's you're question again?
This movie was made for people who don't read comic books.
Imagine that.
A world where some people just like to watch movies now and then and choose to read non-fictional books with no pictures ...
This movie was made for people who don't read comic books.
Most super hero movies are made by people who don't care about
the source material.
Would you please explain how it is so different than its source material?
shareI haven't read that much of the comics but I think it's pretty spot on for a movie.
Would You like to know more?
I haven't read any of the comics, but I did read about them...
Given the comics themselves are disparate, and the character of the comics has undergone rapid evolution over a short lifespan, how exactly could Deadpool the film represent the entirety of Deadpool the comic/character?
I haven't read comic books since boyhood and usually dislike movies based on them (I did enjoy Tim Burton's 'Batman'), but this movie was clever and funny—a kids movie movie for grown-ups. I may want to pick up a copy of the comic book now.
shareBooks/comics and movies are two different mediums and while in theory when you read a comic you can imagine it as that movie in your head, in reality certain changes have to be made when transferring art across mediums. If you read a novelisation of a movie they often add their own subplots, minor characters and twists so it works both ways.
shareAs a nearly lifelong comic fan, and a fan of Deadpool for 20+ years, I can tell you that NONE of it matters to anyone that hasn't read the books, and that the comic audience is nowhere near as big of a part of the overall moviegoing audience as they want to think they are. They're just the loudest. In a good month, Deadpool sold tens of thousands, maybe a hundred thousand comics, which doesn't translate to great box office if you JUST count fans of the comics. This thing was a phenomenon that was seen by tens of MILLIONS of people, it was actually MORE adult than the source material, it nailed the character of Deadpool, and (most importantly) it was VERY well received. The Ryan Reynolds Deadpool is THE Deadpool that people know and care about now, and it almost doesn't matter that the comic is still around.
Child of the Eighties.
Man of the Nineties.
Man-Child of the Twenty-First Century.
the reason Dead pool is garnering the awards recognition is because it translated on the screen. It has alerted the whole comic book genre to be true to form that you started. Batman Vs Superman was a decent movie, but Batman & superman were not killers.
Dead pool is crazy, Nasty & I think weird but I found it really funny. It could have been longer as well.
Words have consequences!