Every actor fit their role to a T. The acting was compelling and soulful. The story and script were very tight. The action was relevant, incredibly well choreographed, and Wolverine finally went into full rage mode when he fought Mariko's father. The movie was great.
Forget Origins, this movie stands tall after the other X-Men films. The film is a character piece with depth that delivers action only after a good set up. To me, that's exactly what a Wolverine movie should be. 2/3 depth/ronin and 1/3 pure ass-kicking!
As many have said, the only real blockbusters of 2013 that lived up to expectations were Wolverine & Iron Man 3. Maybe Marvel characters are the only ones we should allow to be adapted from this point forward???
Wolverine and Iron Man 3 are probably the best of summer but it's good to have some pallet cleansers between them because all Marvel all the time would be too much. Without crap like Lone Ranger or Man of Steel, what good is the ride?
Given the tone and the great writing, the character has never been better. Since Logan is a legend in the genre, how can that math not mean masterpiece?
A strong word but given the character and how this film was executed, it really does apply in this case. Anyone saying otherwise is just an irrational hater.
It deserves much more than the meager 7.0 rating here. I love it's down to Earth tone and action. Don't get me wrong, I love massive action in a comic book film but Wolverine is a character that doesn't need ridiculous stuff like say Superman or The Avengers. Let him have the more fantastical action when he's with the X-Men.
Next to Nolans trilogy and Hulk (yes Hulk) this is one of the most character driven superhero films ever made. The Iron Man films have strong character arcs, but there is more symbolism and meaning under the surface of The Wolverine than most. The directing is strong and assured where the actual touch of the director is felt throughout.
I think some of the complaints against this film are overblown. Like how Viper feels out of place and the OTT third act. I just don't see it. The way people go on about it you would think Viper is some gaudy, scenery chewing uber Femme Fatale. This is far from the truth. She is the typical icy vixen. Nothing more. I actually felt she added some good personality to the film.
And the way people go on about the third act I envisioned this bombastic excess of explosions and fireworks. What I saw was a surprisingly restrained last battle with a respectfully small use of CGI.
Ang Lee deserves an "A" for effort but the final product just didn't work at all. I did like his "comix book" cuts trying to bring home the flavor of reading the books. It's just the story itself was a huge swing and a miss as was the lacking CGI.