wow,I was touched by this comment.Thank you for being so brave as to express yourself on this topic. If I ever have kids I will also allow them to see nudity in films,it is our natural state,nothing to be ashamed of or cringe at. I don't equate nudity to porn,not the same thing,but as controversial as I may sound,even porn is not usually as traumatizing as seeing a horror movie like Serbian Film or Hostel(neither of which I have seen,but a few clips I did), because those are gruesome things of people hurting each other,destroying ,torturing each other,with much pain and agony. Kids will find out that such things exist anyway,in the long run,they don't need to be traumatized by it early on as kids. Once their psyche is developed more and stable,they can choose to watch it on their own accord,as teens or whenever they choose to. Nudity is harmless,love is beautiful,people pleasuring each other is heartwarming,so what if they moan a bit from pleasure,I mean is it better to hear screaming and crying from being tortured? I dont think so.
I mean,maybe sadistical people might enjoy violence,but not many I would assume.
I mean,I am not a fanatic,I will not say to ban these films,one can watch such films as this one,given one is mature and developed enough for it,and take it as just video game ,knowing the difference from real life. But being 23 now,having been a movie buff for 7 years,I have sort of grown wary of films like this which make revenge a driving force. I like the series Supernatural because it deals with guilt,conscience and consideration for life,not just brainless slaughter all the time,not just revenge without conscience,but trying to save people from being hurt ultimately.
Django Unchained,well acted film,important topic,but the end of that movie was unnecessary,so much revenge.