
I have always thought Emma Stone was incredibly attractive. I was disappointed to see her looking like a very Plain Jane in this movie. I'd rather stick with the Hollywood illusion since, after all, that's what Hollywood's all about. But, as the saying goes, "Powder and paint make a lady what she ain't."

(I won't even get in to the debate over the sexual issues in this movie, except to say: I think it is funny that a few commenters say this isn't pornography - it is the dictionary definition of pornography, even if it's not hard core. I suspect those people either are just having a knee jerk reaction to any criticism remotely touching on Stone, or just don't know the difference between pornography and obscenity.)


It's more pornographic than the entire Fifty Shades of Grey trilogy. And it's just as bad. I thought the dialogue was just childish and silly as her character in the movie. Maybe the book did it better.


I love this movie. Masterpiece for me. And the sets were magnificent.


The dialog was childish, because she literally had her unborn childs brain implanted in her head. Did you not watch the movie? Yeah It may have been annoying at first, but obviously she evolves over time.
