How woke it is?

I have heard there is a subtext of Emma's character being the symbol of female empowerment and male characters being stupid when they are with her. Classical Hollywood poor attempt at feminism?


Not at all. It put me right to sleep.


Well. She only finds herself after becoming a prostitute, and we're supposed to applaud her for "discovering herself" in a whore house so........

It's a tale of female privilege and pretty privilege. We're supposed to feel bad because people want to pay for her life, show her the world and put fine food and drink in her belly while she behaves badly. Add to that having a simp she continuously treats like garbage waiting for her to come back after her "self-discovery journey" with multiple men. So desperate he was willing to be a doormat for a mere sniff and not much more.

When she's at rock bottom with zero life skills, strolls up to a whore house and falls on her back.

If she walked up to a furniture makers instead and asked for a job she would have been up shit creek. Except that she has yet another privilege to fall back on. Daddy's money is stashed in the hem of her dress to get her out of trouble, so add rich privilege giving her a powerful Tri-privilege combo where it's impossible to fail even though you're a child-minded goon with zero life skills to survive alone.

Frankensteins monster had that cis white male privilege where he had to fend for himself, probably starve to death, and only a blind hermit showed him empathy. But not before everybody chased him down and burnt him alive.


True. Its incredibile how those directors are out of touch with reality. If this female and pretty privilege would have been recognized by the movie,it would have been a smarter movie.


The irony is, Emma Stone's not even that good looking. Even when she was younger she wasn't particularly attractive. The way all the men dote on her like she's this incredible beauty throughout the film is really asking a lot from viewers. She's a good actress and does a good job here, but a great beauty she is not.


Agreed. It feels like culture is trying to gaslight men into thinking Emma Stone is some kind of movie star mega-babe. Compared to stunners like Grace Kelly and Margot Robbie she’s very mid.

She looks like a fat girl who slimmed up and looked surprisingly decent.


No, they are pushing an ugly narrative...


What does that mean?


Actors are either normal looking now or uglier then normal.

The height of the 90s where actors where supposed to be better then everyone else is long gone

You see there actresses that can look pretty but they go out of the way to look ugly


That’s likely true but I maintain that there is an attempt to ‘pussy inflate’ Stone into some kind of Hollywood goddess when she’s actually mid.


Same with games too... They want it to be like the real world or something but people watch movies and play games to escape, not face reality aka most people are ugly.


Yeah, I remember when Street Fighter 4 and Mortal Kombat 9 had female fighters ALL with huge tits. Now they’ve shrunk them down. Gay.


She has many skills, privilege is a skill (passive one) she uses to exploit the weak minded, especially the simps. Sometimes people are gifted in life with various forms of endowment to make life easier. Let's just say she has good gene privilege as well.


The entire flick parrots the stale mantra "Men Mean, Women helpless victims" that's been omnipresent in so many Hollywood flicks, from about '16 forward


It's fairly woke unfortunately. A feminist power fantasy where all the women are good and pure regardless of what they do, all the men are evil or pathetic or extremely flawed/repulsive in some way (some even physically), you got a lesbian black/white romance subplot that also manages to support socialism for some reason (despite the two women working and thriving in a whorehouse, which is, you know, an example of capitalism in action, not socialism), a philosophical black guy hanging out with a rich old white lady, a cartoonishly evil husband shoved into the third act almost at the last minute who wants to castrate our main character because she's a whore who can't stop spreading her legs for everyone she sees and he strangely has a problem with it, etc etc.

The film is ultimately about a woman's right to have as much sex as she wants with whoever she wants whenever she wants regardless of consequences, and the evil pathetic men in her life who go through increasingly desperate lengths to get her to just keep it in her pants and be respectable. Promiscuity is freedom in the world of this movie, and "settling down" and not wanting to boink every person you meet is imprisonment, at least if you're a woman. It's propaganda designed to turn women into whores and men into weak complacent doormats.

Woke leftist bullshit claims another one.


It was at least nowhere near as grating as Captain Marvel


Yeah I know better than to watch that crap. This film is definitely more interesting and unique and much funnier than any superhero film, that's for sure, but that's a very low bar to meet.


Thanks for the warning. I’ll be giving this a miss.


It’s basically the same story as Barbie - but with porn!


Oh no, Barbie was way worse. This was at least funny throughout and didn't tempt me to want to gouge out my eyes and ears every 5 minutes.


I didn't say Barbie was better by any means. It's just the same "Woman Smart, Man Dumb" story as Barbie.


Given that it’s about a brain in ‘the wrong body’ (trans propaganda) and it features a child in an adult body getting repeatedly fucked (paedophilia normalisation) it’s clearly the work of Leftists, and sounds extremely woke.


But you're okay with it being the other way around?


If you have to ask, it's way too "woke" for you.
