Best villain?

Been a fan since the start. Season 1-3 were the best in my opinion, but I have enjoyed it all.
One of the issues I do have with the show though is the consistency of a good bad guy. They seemed to either use them to set up another big bad, kill them off too quickly or have them redeem themselves.
So who do you guys think was/is the best villain of the show from the beginning?
I would have to go with Klaus, when he was first introduced followed closely by Mikael. He was ruthless, almost impossible to kill and unpredictable. Not to mention acted brilliantly by Morgan.
So who has been your favourite?


It's a tie between Katherine and Kai for me. In fact, I once pondered what it would've been like if those two crossed paths.

Sass game would be strong af.


Katherine by far. Evil gorgeous fabulous.


It's gotta be Kai! He's the only villain on the show I never got enough of, one season just wasn't enough. Katherine would be a close second, at least in her first few seasons. By the end of her run I was a (tiny) little bit sick of her :X

I fart in your general direction... now go away or I shall taunt you a second time.


Agreed! One season was not enough. I usually get tired of the villains on the show because the TVD schtick gets old. With Klaus (especially him-- I was never a fan), Silas, and even Katherine, they are great villains who are then given some sad backstory like my father didn't love me enough, and later given some romance. Soon you have fans wanting them to stick around and defending their actions because they're just misunderstood and secretly very loving. Ugh, I hated that formula.

I still loved Kat til the end and praise Nina on her work but I don't think redeeming her and bringing in a daughter was the way to go. Most villains on this show lose their menace after a season because TVD diluted their evil intentions. But Kai, even wen he was starting to feel emotions, stayed a great villain and I (for once) wanted a lot lot more.
So disappointed.

A rose is just a rose.


Omg, exactly this! I could never stand Klaus after all the build-up they gave him off screen, for him to turn out to be some petulant whiny man-child w daddy & mommy issues. And I'd completely forgotten about Silas until you mentioned him! Like you said, they all just turn out to be these sobbing soppy crybabies who're not so much "villainous" as they are "misunderstood." They did this EVERY TIME - Isobel, Raina, Qetsiyah, my god THE HERETICS. Mikael, I think, came the closest to being remorseless without any real "humanizing" backstory, but he was as interesting as dusty cardboard. Kai was truly menacing BC his intentions were purely evil, without him being robotic/emotionless (heck, he became even MORE terrifying and unstable as he got more emotional). They finally got the balance right with Kai, only to get rid of him as soon as his plans started to kick into high gear. I can only imagine the season we could have gotten if they'd kept him around instead of that abysmal season of Mama Salvatore and her Island of Misfit Witchpires.

I fart in your general direction... now go away or I shall taunt you a second time.


Kai. Kai gave no flucks. ZERO. Klaus at least you knew what his problem was. He wanted loyalty. You know what you were getting with Klaus. If he wanted something. He was going to get it no matter what. Kai...smh.

I wonder if theyll read this & say that awkward moment when I wasted my life readin a signature. :\


I agree.I think Klaus was the best, next is Katherine.


Kai <3

"This is all very dysfunctional. Stressing the fun in dysfunctional."


Kai is my favorite, with Katherine a close second. Chris Wood really made Kai, the same way Nina made Katherine. I think both characters deserved better than what they got.


1. Silas
2. Klaus
3. Katherine

Kai, for me, was just a very sick psycho.


What's the difference between a sick psycho and a villain...I'd argue Kai was one of the only pure villains on this show because he was a psycho and not some misunderstood character who switched sides.
A rose is just a rose.
