Things We Learned from Unknown
1) Illegal immigrants are ruining Germany.
2) The best among us will take cyanide and die well.
1) Illegal immigrants are ruining Germany.
2) The best among us will take cyanide and die well.
231 Beware of a little bit of snow, it will confuse you so much that you will leave your most important suitcase behind on a well prepared mission
232 Berlin is the perfect place for fun car chases, there is no police on the roads, or the police does not care.
233 The hotel will already know that there are changes at the Eisenhower suite even before their customer has an unforseen car accident
234 After awakening from a car accident, the doctor will not mind to inform the police, which also will not try to investigate an accident with an unidentified driver involved.
235 Your backup agent with ID will not go to the airport in 4 days to pick up the most valuable suitcase, nor will the organisation mind to take their mission's key assesin from the hospital and reveal everything he forgot to him, instead let's kill around
236 Stay calm and crush the wall, behind which a bomb is hidden, although this might cause detonating it. Even if you do not deactivate it, you will get away, but this does not matter: Just stay calm and don't run away, try to type the deactivation numbers blindly in a device you can't reach, when you know in 2 min the bomb will detonate.
237 Remember to make fake passports in advance for all the persons you might meet on a mission, you might meet a hot illegal immigrant taxi driver you will fall in love
238 A movie's title reveals the destiny the movie deserves
239 All prolems solved soon: We will all eat corn and even for free