
I'm a male anti-feminist (this does not mean I'm against equality between genders, but there are a lot of attributes about feminism itself which I'm against; but I won't go into it right now). However, I think that if feminists had to choose one film to promote their cause, I don't think they would go far wrong with Winter's Bone.



Cover your shame.


Got yer'self a taste for it yit?


No, but this wasn't about me.

I hear his theme music, he's around here somewhere...


Hey! I'm an anti-feminist too!

On that note, there's nothing worse than male feminists. Sellouts. As if only women get treated unfairly in society. Both sides are victim of job discrimination and prejudice on a social level (hey - did women ever get forced to die for their country?). It's not as uneven as it was 100 years ago. Get over it, mankind. Their faults were theirs alone. A lot has changed.

I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or if you're really just that ignorant.

Not that there's anything wrong with that!


I was slightly sarcastic. Or not really sarcastic, but I exaggerated quite a bit, yes.

I hear his theme music, he's around here somewhere...


There are many misconceptions about feminism. Feminism means that all people should be treated as equals. It doesn't mean that women should get some sort of special treatment, it just means that every one of us has a right to live our lives the way we want to. Whether it may be as a housewife or a lawyer or whatever.


And you can blame the thousands of loud-mouthed feminists who simply are bloody morons for that.

I hear his theme music, he's around here somewhere...


Ok, now I know you probably come from some ignorant, trumped up first world country like the US, UK or Europe, but let me enlighten you, cretin. When did women ever die for their countries???? Are you frikking joking? Who dies but women and children in warfare? Picasso didn't paint Guernica for men, and there's a reason for it.

I'm South African and I can tell you who fights for their lives, children and country every single day of their lives. Do you even grasp the consept that the majority of low-wage, insecure, precarious work (which makes up the vast portion of the global workforce) targets women and STILL pays lower wages to women for doing the same work as men?

Who gets raped, murdered, abused by the millions and you proudly call yourself an anti-feminist? You need to wake the F*%k up and realise that maybe a handful of women in the world are those loud-mouthed, Sex and the City, priveledged women you are so ignorant to identify feminism with and take a look at what's going on in the world around you.

Because if you really grasped what was going on in the world, you'd quickly realise that women 100 years ago were probably better off than they are now. And being anti-feminist equates pretty much to being a Nazi-supporting bigot.

Please do all of us a favour (us human beings, not the sub-human being you are pretending to be) and educate yourself. Women die for men's skrew-ups every day, and if they're not dying, they are raising your children who are probably not going to have much of a chance at live past the everyday survival level that their mothers have to endure.

Anti-feminist... you idiot!


You just called Europe a country, you ass. You're the ignorant one.

You completely misunderstood me, by the way. I wasn't saying the majority of feminists act like that; I'm saying the loud-mouthed ones -- THE ONES THAT GET NOTICED -- do. So essentially, I was admitting that most aren't such giant fools. Learn to read if you're gonna insult me, you POS.

I think I've said enough here.

I hear his theme music, he's around here somewhere...


I said countries, not a 'country like Europe'... besides the semantics, if you have any understanding of what the European Union is and how it operates in including and excluding people and individual 'European' countries, you'd realise that calling Europe a country is not far off from what is really happening in the world.

The fact that you show no recognition for the power-inequality in "THE ONES THAT GET NOTICED" and that this might not be the reality for the majority of the world just further proves my point. For the majority of the world, feminism still hasn't effectively caught on. I live in a society where millions of women are not given adequate access to information about HIV/AIDS prevention/treatment, domestic violence, other forms of violence and much more. What you would call 'loud-mouthed' feminists in my country are women who were members of organisations like the Black Sash, UDF, the armed wing of the ANC and who have been largely marginalised by the current democratic process.

So for the rest of us in the world who live issues of feminism every day in a far more immediate way than you do... calling yourself 'anti-feminist' is unpardonable. And just so you know, I'm in my 20's (not an old person whining) and I'm criticising the rubbish you write, not monitoring it.

I think you definitely have said enough.


"trumped up first world country like the US, UK or Europe" is exactly what you said.

I'm leaving you alone, though. You've also missed the post of mine that explained that I was exaggerating with my initial comment. That includes the anti-feminism, even if I did not specify that.

I hear his theme music, he's around here somewhere...


Fine, I will conceed that I should have specified what I meant by 'first world country', but I think that my point about the EU still stands.

I get the point you were trying to make, I just think it is a weak excuse for saying offensive things to ensure lots of people post on your comment.

Exaggeration must be the understatement of the century! You are talking about less than 10% of the world and you wonder why the rest of the world has so little sympathy when the s*%t hits the fan? I am trying to tell you that you are not winning points with anyone saying things that come across as ignorant and priveledged.




I absolutely agree with you on the humanism front...but look at the sources you are drawing from again....

UK and Sweden??? Really now? Again, Two of the most priveledged places in the world. You are talking about societies here where men and women, by large, are even in a position to get the training, education and remote opportunity to conceive of being something like a nurse. What about the vast majority of Africa where women have no choice but to be the sole-caregiver because men have to do migrant work, have died of HIV/AIDS or are just not around?

The unfortunate truth (and this is a 'truth' that is backed up by too many statistics) is that the numbers back up men beating women and children. It's not something some 'feminists' just made up out of nowhere. And this is a truth that is not only prevalent in my country that needs 'women to revolt'. Look at any statistics about the realities that women in the vast majority of Africa, Asia, South Pasific Islands, South America, Mexico, the Middle East, East European countires have to contend with and you might just understand that feminism is a humanitarian question and problem.

Because, seriously, what women is ever going to give a sweet damn about any man or his rights in the world when she is either statistically more likely (or almost as likely) to be beaten, raped, murdered by a man than she is to die in a car accident?

The global trend in the labour force for the last 30/40 years has been the move towards flexible, precarious labour...and as part of this global trend, women STILL get paid a fixed lower rate than men, regardless of the fact that it is more often the case that women in all the countries/continents I mentioned before more often than not, have many children, elders and disabled (either by HIV/AIDS, Malaria, work accident, civil war accident, etc.) that are dependent on that woman's sole income.

If feminism had come as far in the world as you seem to think it has, then fine, I would absolutely agree with your argument. But it has not, not by a very very long shot. As I said, taking less than 10% of the world's population as the general rule for what has not happened to the vast majority of women in the world is short-sighted, unconscionalbe and naive on your part.

We can only seriously begin to think about a real gender-equal kind of humanitarist movement when the playing field is somewhat close to level. As it stands, the world is FAR from it.


Yes, I can only really speak for my own country. These are regional problems that need to be dealt with locally. Some statistics I saw from America said 40% of domestic abuse victims were male. Those statistics I mentioned were indeed from my own country.

I concede my shortcomings in this topic and I apologize for coming off as that. It is true that I am not well-educated in this matter at all, as I almost never read about these things. I was, however, not using my country as an example for the rest of the world. I was not intending to speak for anyone else, perhaps only make you understand more where I'm coming from when I can get a bit fed up. Adding to this is admittedly far lesser issues that don't compare, but they're nonetheless social problems. For example, women complaining endlessly about how media makes them feel inadequate, as if sh!t like that doesn't apply for males as well. I think every single "chick flick" star very handsome men which the women swoon over. This is, surely, another topic, and make no mistakes, I'm not calling it the same thing. But, nonetheless, there are in my opinion wrongful accusations of sexism everywhere. The male side feels ignored there too. Not that I want men to always complain when well-trained guys appear in ads, but I want less bitching altogether.

You may notice that I don't want to argue anymore. Also, my apologies for never addressing everything you say.

I hear his theme music, he's around here somewhere...


Wow!!! What an epic surrender!! You caved in like a house of cards!!!

On the other hand... there's a glove


Hahaha, I realize I might come off as having no backbone here, but I'm not afraid to admit my mistakes. I stand by my claims that males are completely ignored on the subject of "sexism" and I will do so until I see equality, and I also think a lot of women around these parts are oversensitive, but my hostility towards feminism, as a whole, was misplaced.

I like how you put that, though. Made it sound rather grand.

I hear his theme music, he's around here somewhere...



You are a typical deluded bigot with no perception of social problems, no ability to empathise with others and blatantly no regard for equality.

How dare you say feminists are loudmouths when all you can do is criticise other peoples' efforts for more equality? Where is your cause, where is your drive to make the world better, more equal?

Please turn off Rush Limbaugh and other anti-women media outlets. Learn to question things you hear and think for yourself.

When you do, you will learn a few uncomfortable truths about yourself.

Next time you say you're anti-feminist, make sure you say 'anti-women' because that is in effect what you mean. That is the way a lot of educated, well read men and women take it in any case so beware.


Thank you for teaching me all about myself. I can now begin my quest to become a better person. You've essentially saved my life, and I will forever be in your debt.

How dare you say feminists are loudmouths when all you can do is criticise other peoples' efforts for more equality? Where is your cause, where is your drive to make the world better, more equal?

Good Lord! Do I have to be a politician to dislike the government? Surely I have the right to not condone the way things are handled, even if I'm not an activist myself? I agree that something needs to be done about equality. I disagree with a lot of these methods.

Please don't act like you know me.

I hear his theme music, he's around here somewhere...


By and large, men in the Western world hold no misgivings towards women in the rest of the world who live a very precarious notion of life because of the misogyny endemic within their societies. Indeed, if you asked most "Men's Rights Advocates" or "equity masculists" (like myself) about what we believe would be a fair model for the ENTIRE world to follow, you'd probably find that women in the rest of the world would experience a dramatic adjustment to civil rights that would immeasurably improve their standards of living!

However what corrupts the feminist cause within the Western world however is that those feminists who live in the west and cite examples in the rest of the world as proof of the need for "strong domestic feminist movements" have in fact gone beyond equality.

The way I tend to look at it: in the Western world in general, the system is misandristic; in the rest of the world, the system is generally misogynistic. Neither is an example of what the world SHOULD look like, but both have components that should be incorporated in a fair and tangible model of what the world should be!

And I'm sorry, but the fact is that what you consider "unforgivable" (I think was what you said) about the term "anti-feminist" is actually flawed because if you study the actions of your feminist sisters in the Western world, what you'll learn is that THEY are the source of that term. THEY are the ones who used it initially to largely silence those within society (male and female) who had misgivings of the efforts they were putting forth to remodel contemporary Western society!

No, the fair world is not the one where men get to rape their wives with impunity, and where women are stoned to death for the "crime" of adultery. But the fair world is also not the one where women who shoot their husbands to death serve a fraction of the time in prison, or where circumstantial evidence can convict a man of killing a woman, but not a woman of killing a man or a child!


"My Western sisters"???

Read again, I'm South African....don't "my Western sisters" me!

"No, the fair world is not the one where men get to rape their wives with impunity."

I'm sorry, but from everything I know about the real percentage of domestic rape and the fraction of that which is ever reported... wives are being raped in Western countries just as frequently as anywhere else in the world. Don't hope or pretend that Westerners are immune to this kind of violence. That said, of course, I think male abuse is also highly under-reported the world over.

If a woman has shot her husband in self defence, then she should get a fraction of the time (same for men...my point is just that I would imagine that more often than not, women do commit domestic violence in self-defence).

"...men in the Western world hold no misgivings towards women in the rest of the world who live a very precarious notion of life because of the misogyny endemic within their societies"...

I wish this were true, but the fact is, that Western people are often so quick to veil racism by saying "we can't get involved because the way that other countries treat their women is part of 'their culture'...." as if rape, abuse or murder are cultural traits!

The point I'm trying to make is that 1) it is prejudiced to assume that the only formal/academic discourse on feminism comes from the Western part of the world (I know, for example, that South Africa, India and many other countries have long-standing feminist discourses) 2) it is just ignorant and wrong to assume that all feminist discourses are homogenous (whether between Western feminists or non-western feminists...or even between Western feminists themselves! 3) it is absolutey naive, and short-sighted to assume that women do not suppress each other! They do!!! Global inequality is not the dominion of men.

The point is that far more often than not, men OR women who call themselves 'anti-feminist' are those who get pissed off at movies like "Sex and the City" or other popular representations of a glamorised version of 'feminism' and do not really take the trouble to actually read or listen to what those advocating feminist/humanist discourse say.

"...you'd probably find that women in the rest of the world would experience a dramatic adjustment to civil rights that would immeasurably improve their standards of living!"

I think this is massively idealistic! If the entire global economy, structure of the labour-force, HIV/AIDS statistics, Malaria/TB/Cholera, single-headed households and many more issues impacting women's lives were re-addressed then there might just be the possibility of women's "standard of living" (in actual fact, it should be "standard of survival") being "improved".

The blatant fact is that it is still in the absolute minimum of spheres in the world anywhere that women have any real power or agency.


i just wanted to comment on how much i appreciate your point that feminism is not AT ALL a homogenous discussion, and the fact that women suppress each other is the very core of why this is the case. obviously, the "masculine equalist" (or whatever pseudo-academic, over-analyzed term he used) understood that concept to some extent by demonstrating that women within the western feminist community were the first ones to reject that history. he just used it to support his fair use of a ridiculous term rather than to examine the many facets that currently exist within feminism.

i understand, dudes. i went through an "anti-feminist" phase somewhere near the end of high school after years of being an ardent supporter of what i had previously understood to be "the feminist agenda." but after some growing up and a hell of a lot of research, i realized that term really holds no water, especially since feminism is not a western invention and it's very arrogant to assume is was their herstory to reject. this goes for the history of any race, gender, class, or culture of oppressed people that weren't you, though- you don't have ANY right to reject, rewrite, protest, or be overly opinionated towards a group of people that lived in a compromising position (and if you're now part of the group that oppressed them in the past- which, as men, you are, despite the fact that you personally didn't participate in what caused these women to become feminists- then you REALLY should stay out of it. equate it to the reason why, as a white woman, i have no ground to criticize the civil rights plight of darker-skinned people in america. it's just not fair to anyone who isn't a complete bigot.)

so, as a "western feminist sister" i'd like to openly admit there are aspects and figures within the american history of feminism that i strongly disagree with. but spellbinder88 was really on point when she said to call oneself "anti-feminist" is the same as "anti-woman." there are simply WAY too many views under the feminist umbrella to be against all of them, so taht generalization is simply insulting. the one thing that all feminists CAN agree on is the fact that women have been and are being trampled on and that it needs to stop or that we need to prevent it from happening again (though for the record, i've only heard of a couple really extremist groups promote anything but equality for ALL people, including men.) beyond that, it's much too diverse to disagree with, really. i don't think i personally know of two feminists who share the exact same understanding of feminism... and i know a lot of both quiet, academic, and loud-mouthed anarchafeminist punks. our discourse is what makes the idea so exciting!

and before somebody goes calling me a POS or what have you, i would again like to state i am american, white, feminist, i've been raped by several men but no women so far (though i do know of women committing rape and am equally repulsed,) one of my best friends in high school was male and his girlfriend died in a knife-fight after she stabbed him many times over because she habitually abused him and it was absolutely heart-breaking for me, both me, my mom, both of my grandmothers, and at least 1 great grandmother i know of were all abused by our husbands, i come from a medical background wherein there are just as many male nurses as female whereas the number of female doctors vs. male is insanely unbalanced, i'm sex positive and i hate sex in the city. if any of this conflicts with your definition of what "feminists" are, you should really stop telling people you are "anti-feminist." it really does make you look uneducated despite whatever well-worded rhetoric you have to back up your point.



Nope, you're one of the stupidest people alive. Please kill yourself.


Why, aren't you the most virtuous person of all time!

Sad story. You got a smoke?


Europe is not a country.


Did you mean to reply to me?

Because 1) I'm pretty sure that issue has been covered in the previous posts. 2) 'Western' does not exclusively refer to Europe. 3) There is such a thing as a stereotypical European/Eurocentric (there must be a reason this term was coined) mindset.

So what is your point and how is it relevant to the discussion?



Then why isn't it called equalism?


Because it's women who are discriminated against on an institutionalised level, dumbass.


As if women don't get special treatment and privileges just as much as men, if not more(which they do)...please, give me a break.


No they aren't, s**t for brains.


Feminism is bad. If women were equal they'd conquer the man, but we're always riding them like bulls so it's hard for them.. hard.. for them.


Exactly. Feminism is not about nor exclusively for women. It's about equality and progression throughout society.


Feminism is the opposite of patriarchy - women who want to be treated better than men.

If it was really about equality, they should support egalitarianism. I'm all up for equality between genders, but not only when we talk about good things.

The *beep* feminists have done really disgusts me - like when that guy had his penis chopped off and forced down the sink into the garbage disposal, just because he annoyed her wife - and a whole lot of "feminists" yelling "You go girl! He deserved it!". What was he guilty of? Like the woman put it in court: "He was an *beep*

Or that woman who got a guy fired because he told a joke to his friend that was mildly offensive (she wasn't supposed to hear it anyway, it's not like it was directed at her).

As I like to put it, feminism is the movement through which women want to solve the differences between the two sexes by focusing on one sex exclusively.

Also, I have met quite a few "feminists" who wanted to be treated "equally", but when asked to pay for their share of the bill were all like "I'm a woman, you can't make me pay for this!"

A movement of hypocrites, that's what it is. Now, I'm not generalizing, I'm just talking about the feminists I have met personally and the ones making the news. I believe there are decent feminists out there, but IMO they should stop identifying with that stupid movement (which is just as bad as men supporting patriarchy).


hey - did women ever get forced to die for their country?)
I am not a feminist but how on earth can a woman be forced to die when she is stuck at home raising "your" children and cooking and cleaning? That is why it was set up that way - by MEN. I would much rather work nine to five, etc then be a housewife plus, who started the wars and made the rules? MEN. So don't get all pissy because MEN decided to go to war and then exclude women from being drafted. Talk to the men who made the rules. Holy Sh&t. I thank God I am not a man; Never-mind a feminist wanna-be man. You can keep that gender.



I hear his theme music, he's around here somewhere...


Someone who hates women because Mommy was mean to them.


Oh, screw you. My Mother's awesome. And I love women, just not b!tches.

I hear his theme music, he's around here somewhere...


And I love women, just not b!tches.

I am saying calmly in my head, so please don't get defensive. That phrasing does illuminate warped thinking. Men can be b!tches too, so why degrade a subset of a gender and not just a subset of the species? It illuminates the issue that it is acceptable for men to demand respect, but when a woman behaves accordingly, she is deemed a b!tch or a man-eater.

But I digress. By saying I want equality, it means just that! I don't want extra privileges and I don't want my rights to supersede your rights. I think an important aspect of feminism is equality for MEN as well. I don't think men should be ridiculed for choosing certain professions (like nursing or child care) or being open with their emotions. Those words should not be associated with just one sex. Still, I believe that women are more disadvantaged in this world as a whole. Thousands of years of oppression will not be reversed in 40 years.

I still wonder, having admitted that you only disagree with a very small subset of feminists, why is it that you make a point of stating your hatred of the movement? Just because a Christian doesn't agree with the KKK, doesn't mean s/he wouldn't call him/herself a Christian. Are you willing to even consider the possibility that you have subconscious antipathy based on society's work to stigmatize the word feminist?


Intelligent and thoughtful response, but...


That is all I'm saying. Sure it can be used against men as well, but I don't think that is its accepted meaning (i.e., what's written in the dictionary). You're probably saying that there shouldn't be gender-specific insults, but I'm only using words that exist here. And it was in reply to the ridiculous claim that I simply hate women, so it was very much in context either way.

But now for a cop-out:

I'm only human.

Still, I believe that women are more disadvantaged in this world as a whole. Thousands of years of oppression will not be reversed in 40 years.

I do agree.

I still wonder, having admitted that you only disagree with a very small subset of feminists, why is it that you make a point of stating your hatred of the movement? Just because a Christian doesn't agree with the KKK, doesn't mean s/he wouldn't call him/herself a Christian. Are you willing to even consider the possibility that you have subconscious antipathy based on society's work to stigmatize the word feminist?

I find it appropriate that you bring up Christianity, because frankly, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Westboro_Baptist_Church these folks and their supporters do make me like Christians as a whole less. I would never say I hate them, but there's a decrease in tolerance after awhile. But this is a subject for another day.

I hear his theme music, he's around here somewhere...


First off, thank you for responding maturely. You never know what you're going to get with imdb.

But now for a cop-out:

I'm only human.

I don't think that's a cop-out. It's refreshing when people are willing to admit to their limitations rather than just getting defensive and justifying behavior. Only when someone uses that as an excuse to refuse to better themselves does it become a co-op.

I find it appropriate that you bring up Christianity, because frankly, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Westboro_Baptist_Church these folks and their supporters do make me like Christians as a whole less.

I just used it as an example because the statistical advantage of naming your religion. I guess consider of some other group with which you share similar ideals and I think you will find the situation more synonymous.

Charlie Kelly: I just want to get black out drunk and relax.


First of all, emma, I think you are obviously very intelligent and I'm impressed by your ability to effectively argue your point. I can't even begin to touch your knowledge on this subject. I'm admittedly fairly ignorant as to the state of feminist affairs in the rest of the world, and the vast majority of American women live a charmed life relative to women in some other areas of the world. By the way, I'm a 28-year-old married American woman with no compulsion to ever procreate.

Brain, I just want to say, I knew what you were getting at from the start. You're not anti-feminist, you're anti-man-hating-short-sighted-feminist. So am I. Here in the US, there are so many women who are so overly sensitive and ready to jump down the throat of the first man who so much as suggests that men and women are just fundamentally different - which WE ARE - that's just biology, it's chemical. That's not to say that anyone necessarily fits or should fit into any typical sort of mold, but simply put, on a grand scale, women are women and men are men. I'm fine with that, but that's just me, and I'm not very easily offended by much. I don't understand taking offense when facing an insinuation that women are good mothers, good homemakers. Of course I can understand being offended by the suggestion that that's ALL women are suited for, but to be offended by the mere idea of women being warm and maternal and emotional or whatever terms we equate with the traditional idea of a woman only suggests that this isn't an incredibly important position in society, and LIFE that deserves any respect - which it does! Being a woman in the traditional sense of the word is INCREDIBLY important, not for everyone, but for many. And there's nothing wrong with that, but suggesting that there is by reacting defensively to the idea of traditional womanhood is what annoys and perplexes me.

But back to what Brain was saying, THEN you have the idiots who want to vote Palin or Bachmann into the presidency merely for their womanhood, even though they are so unqualified for the job that it would be almost hilarious if it wasn't so alarming. These women really damage the credibility of the entire concept of feminism for the rest of us. They are feminist on principle. They are boisterous and opinionated and respond irrationally and emotionally to any sort of provocation merely because they CAN while not being able to conjure up any type of argument that isn't just stubborn and short-sighted. It's fine to be opinionated, but being anything on principle just comes off as juvenile and it's difficult to take seriously. And the first thing they do when verbally defending themselves against a man is to criticize and belittle and take shots at his manhood which is just ironic and embarrassing - because that's what the women on Sex and the City do. And there are A LOT of these types of women in the United States, largely baby boomers who have recently found a voice in the whole women's empowerment movement who come crawling out of the woodwork to forcefully discuss their opinions with lots of caps lock, ineffective criticizing, and entire rows of exclamation points!!!!!!!!!!!

Please keep in mind, this is just one type of feminist I'm talking about, the kind that Brain was referring to - the loud and the entitled, and seemingly lacking any introspection. I am fully aware that there are plenty of strong, rational, intelligent feminist women out there (like you, emma) who are able to gracefully and hold their own in a man's world and those are the women I have the utmost respect for. Any woman who wants to be respected and taken seriously has to earn it, the same as any man, and until she realizes that, she will always be a detriment to her own cause.


Thank you for the reply. That kind of thing was indeed what I was talking about initially, and I still -- as I believe I have said -- stand by that, although I certainly went by things in a way I shouldn't have (seemingly targeting the lot of them).

You're coming off as more intelligent (not to mention less offensive) than I, so you might be better at getting this across to people - and maybe, in the process, making me come off as less bad here. Thanks for chiming in.

I hear his theme music, he's around here somewhere...


Oh, you responded quickly :) I made some edits, this is why I'm better at articulating my thoughts in writing, heh. I didn't find you to be offensive in the least, but like I said, I'm not easily offended and I greatly appreciate sarcasm and overstatements ;)


Yeah, I see you've changed quite a bit. I often do the same on IMDb, always hoping people won't be online so I can properly finish my comments before they are seen... Maybe we should write things in a text document and sleep on it before posting?

I hear his theme music, he's around here somewhere...


Haha, yes, I really really should, but I am so damn impatient and hasty and never feel quite as impassioned about anything once I've slept on it ;) I'd wake up the next day and be like, ehhhh I don't care anymore.


Palin and Bachmann are not feminist. Bachmann submits to her husband like the bible tells her to.
Also women and men are not that different, there is no female/male brain.
hormones can provide a prediction but my no means a determination
I despise idiots who attempt to use biology to progress outmoded traditions. Biological determinism has been frequently criticized for lacking conclusive evidence and being based on a flawed understanding of neuroscience. it has been previously been used to support such theories as the born criminal and the racial superiority held by America under slavery and of course Nazi Germany. So you are in great logical company there

All this *beep* you guys are espousing comes from the flawed logic that there are man hating feminists taking over. I can't name in the public eye and I don't know any personally. There sexist women just like they are men, the difference is women now have the right to be sexist just like blacks have the same rights to be racist, and if you didn't want that happening you should have led by a better example.


Feminism means you view men and women equally. It doesn't mean you think women are better than men.


Original post: "On that note, there's nothing worse than male feminists. Sellouts. As if only women get treated unfairly in society. Both sides are victim of job discrimination and prejudice on a social level (hey - did women ever get forced to die for their country?)."

Well I have to say I'm one of those sellouts. It's worth mentioning that American women never forced American men to die for their country, only other men did that. In fact the lone holdout when we went to war in both World Wars was the same woman. One day after Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor, President Franklin D. Roosevelt went to Congress to ask for a declaration of war against Japan. The Senate unanimously approved the resolution 82-0, while the House of Representatives vote was 388 to 1. That one vote was from Montana Republican Jeanette Rankin.

As a woman, I can't go to war and I refuse to send anyone else, she explained on the floor of the House after being booed and hissed at by other members of Congress .

In 1917, Rankin also voted "no" to declare war on Germany during World War I. At the time this was held up as an example of why women should not be allowed in the political process. Sending you fellows off to die is men's work!

She spent her entire life working for causes that promoted peace and women's rights. In 1968 she ran the Jeannette Rankin Peace Brigade, a anti-war group, and in 1971 she continued her efforts by writing a letter to President Richard M. Nixon, asking him to end the war in Vietnam.

Just saying. I'm a liberal with a minor in American History so I cannot let these things pass. ;)


I was being a confrontational douche. Of this reply I am not worthy. /o/ I will agree: while being forced to fight is horrible, not being allowed to fight at all is on a deeper level.

Anyway, I do honestly have a problem with (select) feminism, much thanks to the aforementioned loud-mouthed ones, who demonize men, belittle masculinity, and whose idea of equality is being exempt from all negativity. The people who think you have no say on matters because you're "privileged" — I saw a rather extreme case of this once: some dude was getting behind some feminists in an argument and was promptly told to piss off by one of them, because supportive or not he was still a man, and his words meant nothing; I believe she said (in a perhaps more hostile manner) "we don't need the acceptance of the privileged to be right". That sure won't erect any walls, will it?

I am sure these select few — of which there are thousands, all so very loud — have caused more opposition than anything else, and while substantial, non-misandrist feminism certainly exists, the word is largely sullied to me. Under the guise of humanism I do believe the world could get behind it. We'll see what the future holds.

Sad story. You got a smoke?


I expected this to be an interesting thread about whether/how/why Ree was a feminist within the confines of her insular patriarchal community. The dialogue would start with the line "Don't you have any men kin to do this for you?"

But of course not. Fem-Nazis, Sarah Palin, "only the ugly girls," the mandatory "hard" double entendre, the hormone distinction, ad nauseum-- and all streaming down from that perennial favorite: "I'm not saying women shouldn't be equal, but I wouldn't want to call myself a feminist."


On the upside, I've never heard of Jeanette Rankin and I'm looking forward to reading more about her. Thanks, Emory Kris Aaron, for your post.


I'm a male anti-feminist (this does not mean I'm against equality between genders, but there are a lot of attributes about feminism itself which I'm against; but I won't go into it right now).

The core of feminism IS equality between the genders. You can't simultaneously be anti-feminism and pro gender equality, that's self contradictory.

What you are in fact against is not feminism, but rather the small but vocal minority of extremists who the press labels "feminists" because it is convenient. The same media covers their ridiculous views extensively, because such outrageous ideas make interesting stories with attention grabbing headlines.

But since no one's particularly interested in what one crazy nobody thinks, the media let these extremists hijack the feminist movement by making them seem representative of all feminists. And so the vast and silent majority of actual feminists gets completely ignored in the media, because their values are not controversial.

Does anyone really remember that mainstream feminist groups were condemning an Iraqi father for murdering his daughter in Arizona by running her down with a car because he didn't approve of her date? No, because most of us agree that honour killings are insane. Meanwhile one random British blogger says a toy department store shouldn't be colour coding separate floors for boys and girls, and suddenly there's an outcry over crazy feminists ruining everything.


I cannot stand when a group claims to want equality but clearly wants superiority. I'm pro-equal rights as well and I too cannot stand fem-nazis. Same goes for any aggressive minority that poses as an "equal rights" group.

Visit my movie review site!


look at what you created man. this thread is getting out of control lol!

I just think these movies are a good example to show strong female roles, than something like Columbia or Catwoman. And honestly I'm tired of seeing roles where woman are just being girlfriends and hostages for the bad guy. Honestly there's alot of strong woman out there like the mothers in mexican drug war, or the sisters grouped with African child soldiers. We need to explore these.


First of all you are contradicting yourself. I haven't watched the movie yet, so I can't give an opinion, but, I do suggest you to open the Dictionary and read the meaning of the word "Feminism".
So, if they want to promote their cause, How should they do it then? :) Of course I have to watch the movie first :). By the way, I'm not the owner of this account.


Please don't reply the past message, it's not important! :)


"but I won't go into it right now"

Great. Hopefully not now, either.


