Question for the haters
It seems many of you are "Scorpion" fans and seem to think it would be a better "MacGyver" reboot than this. I am repeating a question on this board that is on the "Scorpion" board...
If you don't like this show, why watch and why post?
As Progeekzy says in that thread:
"So, instead of moving on with your life and simply not watching the show, you spend time out of your day watching a show then complaining about a show you could just.....not watch?
Are you aware that there are other channels and shows out there? Or, read a book. Or go watch Die Hard 2!!!
Why come here and complain about a show you dont have to watch? Just for the sake of complaining?"
I find a TV show that I don't like I don't waste my time watching it. I don't waste my time criticizing it on message boards. Above all I try to respect the fact that there are others that do like it. If we all liked the same thing TV would get very boring very fast.