MovieChat Forums > MacGyver (2016) Discussion > Question for the haters

Question for the haters

It seems many of you are "Scorpion" fans and seem to think it would be a better "MacGyver" reboot than this. I am repeating a question on this board that is on the "Scorpion" board...

If you don't like this show, why watch and why post?

As Progeekzy says in that thread:

"So, instead of moving on with your life and simply not watching the show, you spend time out of your day watching a show then complaining about a show you could just.....not watch?

Are you aware that there are other channels and shows out there? Or, read a book. Or go watch Die Hard 2!!!

Why come here and complain about a show you dont have to watch? Just for the sake of complaining?"

I find a TV show that I don't like I don't waste my time watching it. I don't waste my time criticizing it on message boards. Above all I try to respect the fact that there are others that do like it. If we all liked the same thing TV would get very boring very fast.


You cute little millennials and your "haters" paradigm.

Those of us who grew up watching the original MacGyver (the only sanctioned version, that is) are hopelessly disappointed by this utter travesty of TV viewing.

You pit the equally abominable Scorpion against this train-wreck of epic proportions and unwittingly believe you have created an "aha" moment.

You are wrong again.


You cute little millennials and your "haters" paradigm.

Try Gen X!

"MacGyver" was and is just a fictional TV show. To me the old "MacGyver" was one of many shows I watched in any given week as a teenager. I was not very discriminating back then. This version is one of only 3 shows I watch in any given week. I don't look for reality, I don't expect it. If I want reality I'll go up to A&E or TLC for it, not CBS. (And by the way, couldn't care less about "Scorpion"!)


You bring up a valid point:
I find a TV show that I don't like I don't waste my time watching it. I don't waste my time criticizing it on message boards. Above all I try to respect the fact that there are others that do like it. If we all liked the same thing TV would get very boring very fast.

We live in an era of butthurt, where expressing butthurt is freely available, and people who dare to question the butthurt of others, are considered 'haters'

Even though you clearly get it. I commend you for waking up. Keep commenting on things like this, abolish the hate feminists feel for men who DON'T BOW TO THEM.

It's so pathetic that this is where we are at with all our ideology and technology and advancements in medicine and science as well as mental health...
We still just rehash old hate and bigotry from 50, 100 years ago--now reframing it as a tool for vengeance instead of justice.

Prejudice isn't a character flaw, its a human biological fact. Refusing to acknowledge it's existence in any individual or group, is allowing it to run free and destroy all chance of mutual understanding / empathy towards 'them' by any 'us' there might be.


Some people think the entire world should cater to their every whim, every aspect and outlet of human creativity should be limited to their narrowminded idealism.
We call those people feminists.



i completely agree! i am old enough to remember the original series, which was my daughter's favorite show and i liked as well. why does a reboot have to follow the original series? this is supposed to be the original mcguyver's grandson. does anybody actually believe that the times and technology of today is remotely connected to that of 30 years ago? and the life of the character is bound to be different than that of richard dean anderson's character. why do people need to compare it to other shows? i also love scorpion. i absolutely hate ncis (the original one) and burn notice is horrible, but what does that have to do with this show? it saddens me that it gets such low ratings as that doesn't bode well for it's continuing, which means we will probably get something not at all worth watching! i love this show and really hope it makes it!


Why do you think you get to decide only people who share your preferences get to voice their opinions on a message board specifically designed for sharing opinions?


Why do people think that no one is allowed to express a negative opinion on a show?
"If you don't like it why are you commenting" is really a very ignorant thing to say. If only people who liked a show took time to vote and comment, every show and movie would be a 9 or 10 and have only positive comments - which would misinform others into thinking the show is universally accepted as "good".

With MacGyver there is even more reason for negative comments, because many people liked the original series.

That's a wrap!
